Know the Compararison of Sage 50 Premium vs Sage 50 Quantum

Updated On: October 7, 2024 6:30 am

Compare Sage 50 Premium vs Sage 50 Quantum

Regular users might be aware that Sage 50 products have been specially designed to maximize the efficiency and profitability of your business. Specifically, Sage 50 Premium is a robust accounting system with various features to help users run a successful business. Likewise, Sage 50 Quantum, is at the top of the Sage 50 line, which includes powerful, exclusive features not found in other Sage 50 products. In this article, we will try and take a look at some of the main features and factors in the Sage 50 Premium vs Sage 50 Quantum:

Sage 50 Quantum Bill Of Material Revisions:

Bill Of Material Revisions- This implies that the assembly items comprise a bill of materials attached to them so that Sage 50 knows which components make up the complete good. On the other hand in the lower versions of Sage 50, that BOM is set in stone. However, in Quantum, the user can easily create a revised BOM with an effective date. In this case, any assembly transactions on or after that date will utilize the new BOM. Sage 50 bill of materials revisions ensure the changes to the bill of materials for assembly items previously used in transactions. One can access the Revisions window by simply selecting the Revisions option, which is located on the Bill of Material tab of the Maintain Inventory Items window.

Quantity Discounts

Quantity Discounts – The user can easily set up innumerable variations of discount tables as they wish. Also within each one, the user can have up to 5 different quantity breaks. Quantity discounts also get assigned to items and not customers and can work together with price levels. This way the user can easily utilize this procedure to set up discounts based on the quantity sold to create New Quantity Discounts.

Sage 50 Quantum Work Tickets:

Work Tickets – Mainly this offers quite a simple list of a bill of materials to help track items used within a finished item for the production of standardized assembly items. The bill of materials within Sage 50 is only a single level deep. This way a simple Labor can be added and tracked however the labor costs cannot be posted to the work ticket from payroll. Nevertheless, the cost of the finished items is calculated once the work ticket has been closed as of a specified date. Work Tickets in Sage 50 do not comprise the capability to manage parts order, receipt, and just-in-time inventory according to the steps by date. Sage 100 has various options to manage complex jobs.

Accounting Multipacks/UOM Conversions:

Multipacks/UOM Conversions – Every inventory item can be assigned within a stocking unit of measure, purchasing UOM, and selling UOM. That ensures you, for example, buy an item by the case but sell it as each.

Sage 50 Quantum My Dashboard:

My Dashboard – This allows the user to create a customized display of the company’s data. To be able to create as many tabs as you wish to display customer, vendor, inventory, job, and GL information. One can customize My Dashboard to show areas of Sage 50 that the user regularly works in.

Order Process Workflow:

Order Process Workflow – One can track the status of transactions within both sales and purchasing. The user can set up the steps that they wish to track and receive notifications once their status changes. You can also assign a default user to each status so that changing the status automatically re-assigns it to the right individual.

Sage 50 Quantum Users Management:

Log Users Out – users with sufficient rights can easily log out all or selected users. They also have the option of logging out immediately or sending the notification that they will be logged out within “X” minutes.

Role Based Security:

Sage 50 Role-Based Security – Allows the user to set up user rights by role or job title and assign users to a role instead of assigning rights from scratch for every user.

Sage 50 Quantum Job Navigation Center:

Job Navigation Center – This offers you convenient access to all job-related tasks, transactions, and reports, along with the job list that displays the status of every job.

Job & Project Management Center

Job & Project Management Center – Similar to the customer management center and inventory management center, but for jobs. Available with 20 different customizable modules that the user can select to display or hide, one can get instant access to status information and transactions related to a certain job.

Sage 50 Quantum Progress Billing

Progress Billing – Those jobs that need progress billing can select between Percent of Completion, Percent of Contract, or Percent of Proposal.

Sage 50 Quantum Contractor Insurance Tracking

Contractor Insurance Tracking – A new tab has been added on to the Maintain Vendors window. With the help of this, the user can maintain track of expiration dates, insurance company name, policy number, and notes for worker’s compensation, general liability, umbrella, and automotive policies.

Smart Posting

Sage 50 Smart Posting – This feature helps combine the convenience of real-time posting along with the performance benefits of batch posting. One can save every transaction as you generally would, however, the Smart Posting service manages the actual posting process in the background while you continue working. Hence, it saves time over waiting for transactions to post in real-time but saves you the extra step of posting within batch mode. When you have the security rights you have easy access to the Smart Post manager so that the user can easily see if there are any unposted transactions. One can also access the option of utilizing the real time or batch posting.

Sage 50 Accounting Summary: With the help of Sage 50 Quantum you can grow up to 40 Users, more list data and transactions. Sage 50 Quantum includes more power and control over when and how you post your transactions.


This is all that we have at the moment on comparing Sage 50 Premium Vs Sage 50 Quantum. Was this article helpful? Do let us know in the space below and we would love to hear from you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What is the difference between Sage 50 and Sage 50 quantum?

Sage 50 Quantum is the top-tier version of Sage 50 suite. It comprises the most comprehensive set of features. It has been designed for large businesses or those with advanced accounting functions. It also supports up to 40 users, thus making collaboration among bigger teams and multiple departments much easier.

What does Sage 50 Premium comprise of?

Sage 50 Premium comprises everything within Pro, along with advanced budgeting, advanced inventory, consolidated multiple companies, and more. Sage 50 Quantum is the complete Sage 50 experience for seamless collaboration between larger accounting teams.

How many versions of Sage 50 are available?

There are two versions: UK and Ireland version. These two versions comprise four products within the Sage 50 banner: Payroll, Accounts, HR, and P11D. Sage 50 Accounts has remained the market-leading accounting solution for many years.

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