Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile
Updated On: June 19, 2024 8:49 am
Most Sage users come across the “Unable to Process the Lockfile” or “Printer not activated” error. This is an error which is generally occurs when printing to Sage 100 Paperless Office PDF or Electronic Delivery after installing Microsoft Windows Updates for Windows 10. Are you looking for simple remedies to fix Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile? Your search ends here. Just go through this blog. Here, we will tell you multiple options to resolve this issue. All you need to do is to perform the steps mentioned and get rid of this issue for good.
User Navigation
- What causes the Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile?
- How to Fix the Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile Error Message?
- Lockfile Error Message in Sage 100
- Sage 100 Unable to process the Lock file: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer – Processing canceled when printing to Paperless Office PDF
- Incase of Terminal Server and Multi-User Systems
- “Unable to process lockfile. (Crystal Reports activeX designer – Daily Transaction Register. Processing Cancelled” in Sage MAS 90 and 200
- Final Words
- Accounting Professionals & Specialized Experts
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What causes the Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile?
Many technical issues may lead to the occurrence of the Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile error message. Two of the prominent reasons are-
- Issues with Windows Security Settings
- Issues caused by a new Windows 10 Feature Update
However you need to bear in mind that the Sage Customer helpdesk does not assist with any problems related to: third-party products or enhancements, report, hardware, customizations, state or federal tax-related questions, or any specific accounting questions. For this, you need to get in touch with your Sage business partner, network administrator, or accountant for further support.
- Note: This problem can also occur when the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, v10.0.14393 has been installed by Microsoft.
Note: When printing to Paperless Office PDF has been previously working with the workstation, but suddenly has stopped, it can be because a problem has occurred after Microsoft Windows Updates have been installed. Some Sage 100 users working on Windows 10 workstations, including those on the most recent supported versions have also reported that there are times when a Microsoft Windows Update will delete registry entries and programs.
It has also been found that Sage 100 PDF Converter registry entries disappear or grow affected, thus needing reinstallation and verification that the registry entries have been replaced by reinstallation.
Read More : Sage 100 Error Messages
How to Fix the Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile Error Message?
Here, we are providing multiple options to fix this issue Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile-
Total Time: 30 minutes
Option I: Reinstall the Sage 100 PDF Converter from Paperless Office Advanced Options
Steps to reinstall the Sage 100 PDF converter from paperless office advanced options:
1. Right-click on the Sage 100 shortcut on your desktop
2. Select the “Run as Administrator” option
3. Now log into the Sage 100 application
4. Select File,
5. Go to the Sage 100 Toolbar and click Run
6. On the text box, type: PL_AdvancedOptions_Ui
7. Select OK to proceed
8. Select OK to choose the default date
9. Click on the ‘Install Converter’ tab
10. Exit the Paperless Office Advanced Options section
11. Try printing to Paperless and check if you are still getting the error message
Option II: Configure the Sage 100 Application to Run as Administrator
Step to configure the Sage 100 application to run as administrator:
1. Right-click on the Sage 100 shortcut on your desktop
2. Right-click on the pop-up menu
3. Select Properties
4. Go to the Compatibility section
5. Checkmark the box named Run this program as an administrator
Please Note: If this workstation is used by multiple users, choose Change Setting for all users.
6. Then checkmark the box named ‘Run this program as an administrator’
7. Click OK for the changes to take effect
Option III: Set the Permissions for Certain Keys in the Registry
Please perform these steps at the workstation level only
1. Click on Start
2. Click Run
3. On the textbox, type Regedit
4. Access: “HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software“
5. Right-click on Software
6. Click on Permissions
7. For the Users listed in this box, Select Full Control
8. Finally, click Apply
Lockfile Error Message in Sage 100
In case after a Windows 10 update, the user faces an error message about being “unable to process the lockfile” when printing in Sage 100, do not worry. This is mainly because of a Paperless Office error. The main cause can be due to the permissions being reset with a Windows update.
The Solutions
Follow the steps below to clear the problem
Note – In case you are uncomfortable with editing the Windows Registry, you might probably wish to get the IT specialist to help you out, as this can be quite a risky territory.
- Start by clicking on the Start option and type “regedit” without quotes. You will notice the program appear:
- Next, Run the command
- Now, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG | Software
- Next, Right click on Software and select Permissions
- Now, select the “Users” group and make sure that the “Allow’ box has been checked off under Full Control.
- After this, Click OK and now you are all set.
In case the Sage PDF Converter entry is not available, the Sage 100 workstation installer should be run once again . This needs to be done after setting the permission for the HKCC\Software\ key, by using the repair option. Next open Sage 100 “as admin” and verify if the key has been created.
Sage 100 Unable to process the Lock file: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer – Processing canceled when printing to Paperless Office PDF
Also, the users need to Delete any Jobs and Locks folders located within the Sage PDF Converter key in the Windows registry.
Note: In chase of Sage 100 ERP version 2013, Product Update 8, or for version 2014, Product Update 4 or higher, the name has been changed to Sage 100 PDF Converter.
Resolutions for Sage 100 Unable to process the Lock file: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer – Processing canceled when printing to Paperless Office PDF
In this case you need to create a Backup
Note: It is only required to delete the Jobs and Locks keys within “HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Sage PDF Converter”:
- Go to the Windows Desktop and click Start
- Next click Run
- Note: In case of Windows 7, click Start, and use the Search Programs and Folders field
- Enter regedit
- Now, Click on OK, when available or press the Enter key
- After this, Expand Software Key
- Expand Sage PDF Converter key
- Now, find the following folders if they exist:
- Jobs
- Locks
- Next, expand the Jobs key, and delete any subfolders
- Note: Subfolders might prevent the Jobs folder from being deleted.
- Now, expand the Locks key, and delete any subfolders
- Note: Subfolders might avoid the Locks folder from being deleted.
- Finally, delete the Jobs and Locks keys.
Note: In case the Registry key cannot be located here, you need to reinstall the Sage PDF Converter using Paperless Office Advanced options. In case the Registry key is still not available after reinstalling the Converter, or export it from a working workstation within the same location (HKCC/Software) then import it onto the affected machine.
Incase of Terminal Server and Multi-User Systems
- Start by navigating over to Devices and Printers within the Windows
- Next, remove any “Redirected” Sage PDF Converters. These will generally state something to the effect of Sage PDF Converter that is Redirected or Sage PDF Converter.
- Make sure that there is only a single Sage PDF Converter within the Printers and Faxes, and make sure it has not been redirected.
- Within the Windows Start menu
- Next click Run.
- Go to the Open field and enter Regedit and then click OK.
- Now, Expand HOTKEY CURRENT CONFIG key by using the Plus symbol
- Next, Expand Software Key
- Make sure that the Sage PDF Converter key is available and has 39 values linked with it. In case there are no values or if there is only one value that shows “REG_SZ”, Uninstall then Reinstall the Sage PDF Converter within the Terminal Server.
- In case the Registry key is still not available after reinstalling the Converter, then you need to contact Sage experts in order to offer a copy of it for you, or export it from a working workstation under the same location (HKCC/Software) and then later import it onto the Terminal Server
In case the problem continues even after applying the above stated steps, then there is a possibility that the system is not compatible with the target directory specified within the Paperless Office Maintenance Task. Now, verify that the Storage Location for the PDF Document(s) that is being printed is a location within the Sage 100 Application Server.
In case the problem continues, you need to point the PDF Directory over to a folder within the MAS90 folder. The required network permissions, mainly with Sage 100 Advanced, as it can play a major role in causing this problem to start with.
“Unable to process lockfile. (Crystal Reports activeX designer – Daily Transaction Register. Processing Cancelled” in Sage MAS 90 and 200
This error message usually occurs during the printing of the Daily Transaction Register. Likewise, all other Crystal printing could be completed just fine
“Unable to process lockfile. (Crystal Reports activeX designer – Daily Transaction Register. Processing Cancelled” in Sage MAS 90 and 200
- Once the user has moved over to another computer then, they were able to print the register and when the other users tried they could do this as well.
- All the symptoms have pointed to this one system.
- After a couple of trials, it has been deduced that the issue was with their MAS200 Paperless Office and a stray lock file that was left within the registry on the user’s system due to a sudden shutdown
Let us take a look at the solution to this problem:
Unable to process the lockfile: when attempting to test Paperless Office PDF Writer
Once attempting to set up the PDF writer from the Paperless Office, an error message “Unable to process the lockfile” can be presented.
- In order to fix this issue, you are required to use the Registry Editor.
- Go to the Start button and select RUN
- Next, type in Regedit and click ok.
- Go to the Regedit screen and select EDIT – FIND
- Within the “look at” options, eliminate all the check marks EXCEPT for the one next to KEYS.
- Look for the key LOCK.
- When you have located the key, if it is within a folder for Extended Solutions PDF Converter , you need to delete the LOCK folder; however do NOT delete the Extended Solution Folder itself.
- In case you are facing issues when deleting a LOCK folder, then it could be that there is something within the folder, generally another folder. In that case delete the other folders within that LOCK folder. Next go and delete the LOCK folder itself.
- Next, go back to EDIT – FIND – FIND NEXT and search for another LOCK folder within an Extended Solutions PDF Converter folder.
- In case you locate any other LOCK folders, then you need to delete those as well as they should only be deleted if you find them within an Extended Solutions PDF Converter folder.
- Now, go back to MAS90 and uninstall and then re-install the PDF converter.
Also Read : Sage issues Important Alert to Sage 100 Users About OAuth and TLS
Final Words
In this blog, we have discussed some useful remedies to resolve the Sage 100 Unable to Process the Lockfile issue. We hope these would be of great help for you to fix this issue once and for all. If you are finding it difficult to perform these steps, we would recommend you get in touch with some certified Sage experts.
Accounting Professionals & Specialized Experts
Want quick help from accounting software experts? Get in touch with our team members who can install, configure and configure your software for you. Proficient in fixing technical issues, they can help you quickly get back to work whenever you encounter an error in Sage software. Our team is available 24/7 365 days to assist you. To get in touch.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How to Import the Sage 100 Intelligence Reports?
Please follow the sequential steps to import the Sage 100 intelligence reports–
1. Right click on the Home object under the Object window and then choose Import
2. Reporter under the Toolbar Menu. After that, click on the Tools option and then choose Import Report
3. Choose the Report to be Imported (along with the .al_extension) and click on Open
4. Under the Import Report window, Choose the Target Connection (that is, The Connector)
Please Note: The most widely used connection would be the Sage MAS (Auto connect). If you are trying to import a Consolidated type of report or need the report to be a consolidated one, you will have to select Sage MAS Consolidation by going to the Target Connection drop down menu
Please Note: If you want to generate a Consolidated type of Report, you should own the Sage 100 Intelligence Connector module
1. Choose the Report Destination (that is, the folder) under the drop down list
2. Click on Import option
3. After that, click on OK
4. On the Toolbar Menu, you need to click on Action and then choose the Refresh option
What Causes the ‘Sage Error: Run-time Error 482 : Printer Error
Some prominent causes of the Run time error 482 are mentioned below-
1. Many print jobs are in queue
2. Windows error
3. The printer is not properly connected
4. Use of outdated printer driver
5. The system fails to connect to the PrintForm library.
6. The selected printer is not available
What Causes the Sage 100c 2021.2 Updates Failing Error?
Some prominent causes of the error Sage 100c 2021.2 updates failing error are mentioned below-
1. A corrupt DDF file may be blocking the update process
2. The Old Password entered is not correct
What are the benefits of the Account Payable Module in the Sage 100 Contractor Application?
With this module in Sage 100 Contractor, businesses can streamline their accounting operations more effectively. This module is fully integrated with other modules such as Job Costing, Purchase Orders, Inventory and Subcontracts, just to name a few. When you enter the details of a particular purchase order, the module will perform the complete invoice entry in just one step. It will verify your contracts, budget and POs automatically. When you save an invoice, the Account Payable module will check every line of the invoice with the POS. Thus, it will guard you against over-delivery or over-pricing of items.