Solve Sage 50 Decline Error | Sage TSYS Error Codes
Updated On: January 30, 2025 9:28 am
Sage 50 is well appreciated all over as one of the most efficient accounting software for businesses and professionals dealing with accounting. However, one thing we should understand is that no software can be 100% free of errors and Sage 50 also has its fair share of such issues. Many users have written to us that they have faced the Sage 50 Decline Error- Sage TSYS Error Codes and are looking for easy solutions to fix the same.
User Navigation
- Accounting Professionals & Specialized Experts
- What is a Sage 50 Decline Code?
- Reason Behind Sage 50 Decline Error – Sage TSYS Error Codes
- Different Sage TSYS Error Codes
- How to Resolve Sage 50 Decline Error – Sage TSYS Error Codes?
- List of Sage 50 Decline Codes for TSYS
- Conclusion!
- Frequently Asked Questions:
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Want quick help from accounting software experts? Get in touch with our team members who can install, configure and configure your software for you. Proficient in fixing technical issues, they can help you quickly get back to work whenever you encounter an error in Sage software. Our team is available 24/7 365 days to assist you. To get in touch.
We understand it can be extremely disturbing to come across such errors while being in the middle of something important. This is the reason why we will tell you some easy methods to resolve this issue in this blog.
Before proceeding to troubleshoot, let’s start with the basics. Let’s get to know what a decline error code is all about.
What is a Sage 50 Decline Code?
If a user comes across a decline error, he should be aware that the error is associated with financial institutions. You may encounter such errors while making a payment through a credit or debit card. A decline code describes the reason (s) why a specific card transaction was declined. This error could have several causes. It could be about the security of the financial institution in question. Any flaw in the security system of the institution may lead to decline errors. Financial institutions frequently reject transactions due to issues such as failure to follow proper procedures, failure to provide authenticated security information, or suspicion of an authorized transaction. Examples of decline code errors in Sage are – Sage 50 Decline Error Code 000062, Sage Error 57, Sage Decline Error – TSYS error codes, Sage 50 Decline Code Error 14, Sage 50 Decline Error Code 0005 and so on.
Reason Behind Sage 50 Decline Error – Sage TSYS Error Codes
TSYS stands for Total System Services. It is a one-stop solution for payment processing, credit card issuing and merchant acquiring in the United States. TSYS, when combined with Sage, can provide complete payment solutions for businesses and professionals. There can be a number of reasons for Sage TSYS Error Codes to arise and might also come down to the capabilities of the safety of the financial institution in question. For these reasons, Sage 50 provides added security as it handles monetary transactions on a daily basis as a fault in security might lead to decline errors. Often, financial institutions decline transactions because of proper causes like failing to perform a procedure correctly, failing to provide the correct security information or if the institution suspects an unauthorized transaction. To accept maximum precedence dealing effectively through calling within the side the Sage Technical guide assist desk for dealing with Sage 50 decline errors.
Different Sage TSYS Error Codes
Some of the major Sage TSYS Error Codes and their meanings are mentioned below-
- Sage Error code 0: This error code indicates that a transaction has been approved and completed properly without any constraints.
- Sage Error code 2: This error code indicates the issuer has provided proper reference.
- Sage Error code 3: This error code indicates that the provided Merchant ID for the transaction is invalid or does not match.
- Sage Error code 00 or 85: This error code indicates a problem with the address mentioned in the transaction. The following could be some of the issues with the address :
- Only 9 digits of the provided ZIP code are correct.
- Only 5 digits of the provided ZIP code are correct.
- Because of incompatible formats, the street address may not have been verified properly and can clash with other international addresses.
- Sage Error code 12: The error code signifies that the transaction is not valid.
- Sage Error code 00 or 8: This error code indicates that the required version for the transaction is not available. The causes leading to this error include :
- The availability of the provided address is not valid.
- The provided address does not facilitate international transactions.
- The issuer is a non-US issuer who does not participate.
- Sage Error code 75: The user encounters this error code when they exceed the maximum no of attempts while entering the PIN code.
- Sage Error code 4: This error code signifies an issue with pick up card
- Sage Error code 5: The error code indicates that the institution does not honor the transaction.
- Sage Error code 13: This error code suggests that the amount is not valid.
- Sage Error code 14: This error code indicates that the provided card number is not valid.
- Sage Error code 63: This error code signifies that a security breach has taken place while performing the transaction.
How to Resolve Sage 50 Decline Error – Sage TSYS Error Codes?
If you come across any of the TSYS Error Codes listed above, you may refer to the list of the Master Error Codes provided in all processors. To locate the PDF related to the specific error code, press CTRL+ F after locating the file.
We hope the points discussed above would help you a great deal to know what the Sage 50 Decline Error- Sage TSYS Error Codes are and how o resolve them. If you are still unable to resolve this decline error, we recommend that you should consult with an experienced Sage professional.
List of Sage 50 Decline Codes for TSYS
Error Ineligible 00 or 85 Not a email / telephone order, Decline 51 Insufficient funds No Save Account 53 No savings account
Authorization Response Message | Response Code | Meaning/Definition |
Approval | 00 | It was approved and completed |
Address Match | 00 or 85 | Address matched only |
>Address Match | 00 or 85 | Street Address match for international transaction. Postal Code was not verified because of incompatible formats (Acquirer sent both street address and Postal Code) |
Exact Match | 00 or 85 | Exact match, 5-character numeric ZIP |
Exact Match | 00 or 85 | Exact match, 9-character numeric ZIP |
Exact Match | 00 or 85 | Street Address match for international transaction |
Exact Match | 00 or 85 | Street Address match for international transaction |
No Match | 00 or 85 | No address or ZIP match |
Retry | 00 or 85 | Issuer system unavailable |
Serv Unavailable | 00 or 85 | Service not supported |
Serv Unavailable | Street Address and Postal Code not verified for international transactions because of | Incompatible formats (Acquirer sent both street and Postal Code) |
Ver Unavailable | 00 or 85 | Address information not verified for international transaction |
Ver Unavailable | 00 or 85 | Address Unavailable |
Ver Unavailable | 00 or 85 | Non-U.S. Issuer does not participate |
Zip Match | 00 or 85 | 5-character numeric ZIP match only |
Zip Match | 00 or 85 | 9-character numeric ZIP match only |
Zip Match | 00 or 85 | Postal Codes match for international transaction, Street Address not verified because of incompatible formats (Acquirer sent both street address and Postal Code |
Call | 01 | Refer to issuer |
Call | 02 | Refer to issuer-Special condition |
Term ID Error | 03 | Invalid Merchant ID |
Hold-call or Pick Up Card | 04 | Pick up card (no fraud) |
Decline | 05 | Do not honor |
Error XXXX | 06 | General error |
(Check Service Custom Text) | 06* | Error response text from check service |
Hold-call or Pick Up Card | 07 | Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) |
Invalid Trans | 12 | Invalid transaction |
Amount Error | 13 | Invalid amount |
Card No. Error | 14 | Invalid card number |
No Such Issuer | 15 | No such issuer |
No Action Taken | 21 | Unable to back out transaction |
No Reply | 28 | File is temporarily unavailable |
No Credit Acct | 39 | No credit account |
Hold-call or Pick Up Card | 41 | Lost card, pick up (fraud account) |
Hold-call or Pick Up Card | 43 | Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) |
No Check Account | 52 | No checking account |
Expired Card | 54 | Expired card |
Wrong PIN | 55 | Incorrect PIN |
Serv Not Allowed | 57 | Transaction not permitted-Card |
Serv Not Allowed | 58 | Transaction not permitted-Terminal |
Decline | 61 | Exceeds withdrawal limit |
Decline | 62 | Invalid service code, restricted |
Sec Violation | 63 | Security Violation |
Decline | 65 | Activity limit exceeded |
PIN Exceeded | 75 | PIN tries exceeded |
Unsolic Reversal | 76 | Unable to location, no match |
No Action Taken | 77 | Inconsistent data, rev., or repeat |
No Account | 78 | No account |
Already Reversed | 79 | Already reversed at switch |
Date Error | 80 | Invalid date |
Encryption Error | 81 | Cryptographic error |
Cashback Not App | 82 | Cash back limit exceeded |
Can’t Verify PIN | 83 | Cannot verify PIN |
Card OK | 85 | No reason to decline |
Can’t Verify PIN | 86 | Cannot verify PIN |
No Reply | 91 | Issuer or switch is unavailable |
Invalid Routing | 92 | Destination not found |
Decline | 93 | Violation, cannot complete |
Duplication Trans | 94 | Unable to locate, no match |
System Error | 96 | System malfunction |
Failure CV | CV | Card Type Verification Error |
Acct Length Err | EA | Verification error |
Check Digit Err | EB | Verification error |
CID Format Error | EB | Verification error |
Failure HV | HV | Hierarchy Verification Error |
Cashback Not Avl | N3 | Cash back service not available |
Decline | N4 | Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit |
CVV2 Mismatch | N7 | CVV2 Value supplied is invalid |
Stop Recurring | R0 | Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment |
Stop Recurring | R0 | Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment |
Stop Recurring | R1 | Customer requested stop of all recurring payments from specific merchant |
Stop Recurring | R1 | Customer requested stop of all recurring payments from specific merchant |
Approval | T0 | First check OK and has been converted |
Cannot Convert | T1 | Check is OK but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction |
Invalid ABA | T2 | Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant |
Amount Error | T3 | Amount greater than limit |
Unpaid items | T4 | Unpaid items, failed negative file check |
Duplicate Number | T5 | Duplicate check number |
MICR Error | T6 | MICR Error |
Hopefully the given article is useful and you can easily resolve the Sage 50 Decline Error | Sage TSYS Error Codes issue. If you are facing any issue to fix this error then you can consult with our Sage support team.
Frequently Asked Questions:
To resolve the Sage 50 Decline Code 000006 Error 0008 in Windows 7, I am asked to Disable IPV6 In Windows Registry. How to do this?
Please follow the steps mentioned below to fix Sage 50 decline code 000006 error 0008 –
1. Click on Start.
2. Navigate to Control Panel.
3. Then click on Network Connection.
4. Click on Properties.
5. Now uncheck the box next to the label internet Protocol version TCP/ IP V6.
6. Press OK to finish.
7. Reboot your computer.
What is TSYS?
TSYS stands for Total System Services. It is a one-stop solution for payment processing, credit card issuing and merchant acquiring in the United States. TSYS, when combined with Sage, can provide complete payment solutions for businesses and professionals.