Sage 300 Financial Reporter Error Messages

Updated On: January 24, 2024 9:00 am

Fix Sage 300 Financial Reporter Error Messages

Financial Reporter is a prominent reporting tool that one can utilize to format, manipulate, graph, and print general ledger data. One can also utilize the Financial Reporter inorder to create financial statements and statement specifications within Microsoft Excel that displays data from Sage 300 General Ledger.

Financial Reporter also involves the following screens for working with financial statements:

G/L Print Financial Statements. The user uses the G/L Print Financial Statements screen to print financial statements.

One can print using one of the sample statements that also comprise the General Ledger, or you can also use a custom report specification that you can create using the G/L Statement Designer.

G/L Statement Designer: Overview

The G/L Statement Designer is an add-in program that aims to work with Microsoft Excel. The user can use it to create customized statement specifications, and you can also use it to generate the statements.

Once you open the Statement Designer from the Financial Reporter folder, and next click Start, Excel opens with the Financial Reporter works automatically loaded. These functions allow you to retrieve and work with data from your Sage 300 company database.

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Financial Reporter Error Messages

Financial Reporter error messages can be categorized into two section:

  • Error messages that have been printed within financial statements. These messages report problems in formula forms and report specifications. This is much like an account reference with too many account code segments. If a Financial Reporter comes across a problem when generating a financial statement, it includes a message in the report, and then continues to generate and print the remainder of the statement.
  • Error messages displayed by Financial Reporter. These messages are displayed when the user  attempts to launches the Financial Reporter screens, or when report generation is canceled, and might appear within the following conditions:
    • In case the Sage 300 is unable to start Microsoft Excel.
    • In case the system runs out of memory (RAM).
    • In case the Financial Reporter is unable to continue to generate the report. For instance, this can happen if the text or formula within a specification cell is too long.

The following tables describe these error messages and possible solutions.

Error Messages Printed on Financial Statements

“Invalid account reference in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>”
The account reference entered by you in column A is not correct because it does not match the requirements for column A cells.
“Invalid selection criteria in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>”
The user has entered an incorrect selection criteria within this cell. You need to Follow the criteria in column B to refine the account selection . For example, a filter that prohibits the range of accounts into a particular account group, account type, or account name
“Invalid zero-suppression formula in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>”
The user has entered an incorrect definition for a zero-suppression formula within this cell. Follow the criteria in column C inorder to determine the lines to be excluded
“Invalid detail level in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>”
The user has entered an incorrect consolidation switch within this cell. You need to Follow the criteria in column D for consolidating account ranges
“Invalid formula or expression in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>”
This is a general message that indicates that a formula or expression at the stated cell location cannot be interrupted by FR in generation.
Invalid specification line type in cell.
<cell location L> : <cell value V>
This is an Invalid spec line definition at cell location L with value V, not a comment line, or valid default line, or body line.
“FR cannot further generate any line for the worksheet.”Generated lines are generally over the spreadsheet limit. In this case the Report generation has been stopped.
“Invalid consolidation of posted transactions on specification in row <Row R>. Consolidated details cannot be generated using the combination of detail level and sorting order.”The stated consolidation method for posted transactions on the spec lines in row R should match with a specific sorting order.

Error Messages when Starting G/L Statement Designer or Running Print Financial Statements

“Error in creating Excel object.”Ensure that the Microsoft Excel is installed.
“Page Break Preview is not available in Print Financial Statements (GL9100). Please go to the Statement Designer (GL9200) to use this function.”The Print Financial Statements feature is unable to support Page Break Preview. For this Use the G/L Statement Designer instead.
“There are no printers installed. One is required when the print destination is Printer or Preview.”One must be able to install a printer before you can view output or select a print destination.
“FileSystemObject object model cannot be initiated. Please make sure that the Scripting type library is properly installed in the Windows System.”Unable to find Microsoft Scripting Runtime Object , is required when starting FR.

Error Messages when Starting Financial Reporter

“cmdStart: <error message>”In case you receive error messages that are in this format, you are required to reinstall Microsoft Excel, or General Ledger, or System Manager. Once the reinstalling is done, you need to restart the system, and then check to see if the issue has been resolved.
In case the problem cannot be resolved by reinstalling these programs, you need to contact your system administrator.
Tip: Before reinstalling Microsoft Excel, you need to confirm that Microsoft Office has been installed correctly. Go to the Programs and Features screen of Windows’ Control Panel, Next right-click Microsoft Office, and then click Change. Now Select the option to add or remove features, and then confirm that Visual Basic for Applications has been installed as part of Office Shared Features.
“Initializing FR Error (< error id>J): Failure in starting Statement Designer.”Failure to start Statement Designer
“Initializing FR Error (<error id>): Failure in starting Print Financial Statements.”Failure to start Print Financial Statements.
“Internal error,” “Insufficient memory,” or “System error.”You need to Write down the message, exit applications and Windows, restart your computer, and finally try the task again.
“Incorrect procedure.”Most times the error messages pertaining to incorrect processes arise when other tasks have locked the system or company database. Wait for the other task to complete, and then try once again

How to Fix this issue

Stated below are the steps that can be used to resolve the above mentioned runtime error.

  • Start by running the Sage 300 system diagnostic for that
  • Next navigate to the Sage 300 Application folder i.e. path where you have installed Sage 300 à runtime àexe.
  • Now Run a4wdiag.exe as administrator. It will generate a log file named a4wdiag.log.
  • Next Check the log file and ensure that the environment path “runtime” folder is unique and tied within the program path.
  • You need to Run the regacc.exe with “run as administrator”.
  • Now Check regacc.log. In case it has failed to register FRCOM690x64.dll, you are required to run it manually.
  • Shut the Sage 300 application, and restart the server. If possible turn off the antivirus during manual registration.
  • Now Load CMD (run as administrator)
  • Next Locate the following exe:


Run the below-mentioned commands one by one

C:\\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe RegAsm.exe/codebase “C:\Sage\Sage300\GL69A/FRCOM690x64.dll”

window Microsoft.NET Framework64\v4.0.30319

Replace Values in Quotes with your Sage 300 Application path

Likewise, locate regsvr32.exe and run the below commands as follows:

C:\Windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-regsvr32_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_389cd5270341e0a8.exe /regsvr32 “C:\Sage\Sage300\runtime\x64\a4wFldEdtCtrl.dll”

locate regsvr32.exe

C:\Windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows regsvr32_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_389cd5270341e0a8.exe /regsvr32 “C:\Sage\Sage300\runtime\x64\accpacgridctrl.dll”


C:\Windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-regsvr32_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.19041.1_none_389cd5270341e0a8.exe /regsvr32 “C:\Sage\Sage300\runtime\x64\AccpacListCtrl.dll”

Here, the content in “   ” is your program path of the Sage 300 application. Ensure that all shows have been registered successfully, then restart the server.

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Final Words

So, there you have it friends, these are some of the main aspects, facts regarding Sage 300 Financial Reporter Error Messages. However for more details be sure to log on to and you are sure to be surprised with the details offered.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Can One run a Financial Statement in Sage 300?

In order to do this, you need to:
Launch the General Ledger > go to Financial Reporter > Print Financial Statements. Click on Browse, and then select a financial statement file. For a list of sample financial statements included with Sage 300, check out the Sample Financial Statements. Within the Fiscal Option, you need to specify the year and period for which to create the statement.

What is Sage 300 Financial Report added-in?

The G/L Financial Reporter Add-in is an Excel add-in application which integrates with Sage 300. Thus, Installing the Sage 300 Excel Add-in makes the Financial Reporter functions such as FR Paste and FR View available in Excel statement specifications downloaded from the Statement Designer web screen

Where is the Reporting done in Sage?

One can easily find the Pre-update Reports option within the Payroll navigation bar. The main Reports folder is located within the Employee List toolbar

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