Fix Sage 50 Journal Entries Not Showing Up in Account

Updated On: February 10, 2025 6:55 am

Sage 50 Journal Entries Not Showing Up in Account

Are you facing issues while using journal entries in Sage 50? Are your entries not showing up in your account? Well, you must be looking for easy solutions and let us tell you that you have landed at the right place! We will make sure this issue can’t bother you anymore!

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We understand facing such issues is irritating while you are in the middle of something important. Therefore, in this blog, we will look at some easy but highly effective solutions to the “Sage 50 Journal Entries not showing up in Account “issue. Just go through this blog, perform the steps shown here and get rid of this issue, for good!

Here we go!

Possible Reasons for Occurrence of Sage 50 Journal Entries not Showing Up in Account Issue

Many technical issues may lead to the occurrence of this issue. Some of these are mentioned below-

  • If the start and end dates of the statement are the same. 
  • If the dates mentioned in the transactions are not correct
  • If you have not added the outstanding transactions after resetting the bank reconciliation in sage.
  • The account is a Linked account.
  • A hidden module is linked to the account in question. 
  • The account is an Inventory Asset Account. 
  • The Account comprises the Group Heading, Group Total, or Subgroup Total account.

Also Read: Fix Saving Sage 50 Journal Entries Issue

How to Fix “Sage 50 Journal Entries not Showing up in Account” Error?

Before initiating the troubleshooting process, make a note of a couple of important points given below:

  • If the transaction is not displayed in the General Ledger report, it may mean you are not using the proper file.
  • Locate your company file before fixing the issue.

Solution 1: Verify certain details in the Deposit & Reconciliation Window

  • Make sure to select the right account.
  • If the statement Start Date is matching with your bank statement start date. 

Please note: You will not be able to enter or modify the start date unless it is your first reconciliation. 

  • If the Statement End Date is matching with your bank statement end date

Solution 2: Make sure that General Ledger includes the correct Accounts for the Transactions

  • Go to the Reports section.
  • Click on Transactions Details /Journal Entries.
  • Now click All
  • Select the relevant year.
  • Choose the Report By Date. 
  • Now type in the correct Start Date and End Date.
  • Next, click on Corrections for Show.
  • Click OK to proceed.
  • Check the accounts with respect to the transactions.

Solution 3: Verify whether the Transactions have been Posted during the Bank Reconciliation

  • Go to the Account Reconciliation section (Reconciliation & Deposits).
  • Click on the save tab.
  • Now close the Reconciliation & Deposits window.
  • Go to the Reconciliation & Deposits window once again.
  • Confirm if the transactions are showing now.

Solution 4: if certain Transactions are Missing after the bank Reconciliation Reset

In this case, you will need to restore the missing transactions. To do so, perform the steps below-

  • Firstly, you should restore the backup into a company made before the reset.
  • Open this company and select Reports.
  • Click on Banking >>Account Reconciliation Report.
  • Now use the Report type –Summary report with Outstanding transaction details.
  • Select the correct bank account.
  • Now set the Start and End date to the Statement End date of the previous reconciled period. 
  • Click OK to view the report.
  • Click on Print or Open in Excel, if you want to save the report.
  • Next, open the Account Reconciliation window for the original company. 
  • Click on the tab named Add Prior Outstanding, after selecting the account. 
  • Now use the Printed report to add the transactions prior to the date window. Alternately, you may add all outstanding transactions and click OK.
  • Make sure that the missing transactions are now appearing.
  • Finally, remove the company you have restored just now. 

Account Exists But is Not Showing Up as an Option in the General Journal

There are times when the required account does not appear within the list when you are posting in the General Journal in the case of Miscellaneous transactions. You might face the same issue when you wish to link the account within the specified module within the Set Up, Setting. Likewise, certain journal entries are given by the accountant that does exist, but you are unable to select them within the General Journal Windows. The other related ‘symptoms’ of this error include:

  • Not able to select the Accounts Receivable account on a General Journal Entry.
  • Not able to select bank account in the general journal.
  • Unable to view the accounts in the General Journal.
  • The Accounts do not show up when you are trying to do the Journal Entry.
  • The missing Accounts.
  • Accounts do not show. 
  • The user is trying to create a General entry but is unable to view the account.

Also Read: Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable in Sage 50

Solutions of Account exists but is not showing up as an option in the General Journal

Solution I: I want to Post to any of the following Accounts

  • Account Receivable
  • Account Payable
  • Vacation payable
  • Prepayment
  • Deposit
  • Inventory
    • These are examples of control accounts and can not be used in the General Journal within the Miscellaneous Transaction window.
    • Check out the Related Resources on how to post to a control (linked) account.
      • Note: It is not recommended by Sage to Post to linked accounts because the data integrity of the file can be ruined and it is recommended that you use the module for the linked account instead to post your adjustment. 
      • For example, the Adjustments to Account Receiveable accounts should be done within the Sales Invoice module while in Pay Later status with a negative dollar amount to reduce the AR balance or with a positive value to increase the AR balance.
      • Get advice from an accountant before following this KB or unlinking any accounts in Sage 50.

Solution II: I want to Post to an Account that may be linked to an Inventory/Service Item

Note: If you are not certain about where the account is linked outside of the linked accounts under Setup, Settings, then you can get the following lists:

  • Start by Selecting  Reports.
  • Next, select Lists.
  • Now, you can pull a report for Vendors, Customers, Employees, Inventory & Services separately.
  • Note: For instance, we will pull the Inventory & Services list.
  • The Inventory and Services List – Modify Report window appears.
  • Now Select Inactive Items.
  • Next, Select Internal Service Activities.
  • Now Select Report Columns.
  • Next Select Customer report column settings and not Default report column settings.
  • Now Add the Asset, Revenue, Cogs and Variance columns on the left to the right.
  • For better clarity, move them up on the right side or remove other columns on the right side
  • Click OK.

Note: This list will show all the inventory & service items and what accounts they are linked to. Once your account is listed then you will know which item(s) are linked to it.

Solution III: The Account is using a different Currency

Note: The next important point is to select the currency in the General Journal window.

For instance, you have selected Canadian Currency (CAD) and the account you wish to use is an American dollar currency account (USD).In this case, it won’t show up within the list of accounts available

  • In this case, you need to select the proper Currency from within the drop-down menu
  • Enter the account number you wish to make a transaction with (or use the magnifier glass icon to select it in the list)
  • Now Enter the rest of the information for this transaction
  • Finally, Select Process is done once done.

Also Read: Integrity Checks for Sage 50

One or more Journal entries are not showing in the Account Reconciliation

There are times when the use discovers that the journal entries are not appearing in account reconciliation. Also, the same error occurs when your journal entry isn’t appearing in account reconciliation to be reconciled. There are also times when just a portion of the journal entry does not appear in account reconciliation to be reconciled. All the aspects of the journal entries are displayed within the General Ledger list.

Step I: The Recurring Journal Entries

  • Start by Locating and Deleting the entry that does not appear within the account reconciliation.
  • Once prompted, remove any remaining recurrences
  • Next, Recreate the journal entry, and recur it again.
  • Now Verify if the recreated entry appears within the account reconciliation.
  • Note: You Do not recur journal entries that have already been reconciled.

Step II: Not impacting the Account for Reconciliation

  • Start by Locating and opening the journal entry.
  • Next, Verify if the account being reconciled is indicated on at least one line of the transaction.
  • In case the account for reconciliation is not indicated and the journal entry should be impacting it, then you need to edit the journal entry likewise

Step III: Damaged Transaction

  • Start by Locating and deleting the missing journal entry.
  • Next, Rekey the transaction and verify the account for reconciliation is indicated on at least one line item.

Step IV: Data Verification

  • You need to set the accounting period to period 1 and run Data Verification.

Also Read: Transactions Missing from Account Reconciliation in Sage 50


Hopefully, the above discussion is helpful for you to resolve the “Sage 50 Journal Entries not showing up in Account “issue. If you are still having some confusion, kindly get in touch with some authorized Sage professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can we clear the bank Reconciliation?

Yes, you can. To do so you will need to:

1. Start by Double-clicking on Chart of Accounts in Sage 50.
2. In case it is in Enhanced View navigate to Chart of Accounts; Next Company tab 2. from the left pane. 
3. Next double-click on your bank account.
4. Now Click the Reconciliation & Deposits tab.
5. Go to the box beside Save Transactions for Account Reconciliation and uncheck it. 
6. Now select Save and Close, you are required to close the account
7. Click OK to remove all reconciliation information.

Is it possible to Remove the Sage 50 Data File?

Yes, one can remove the Sage 50 data file, to do so, you will have to:

1. Go to the company file you want to delete.
2. Next Switch to File and next to Properties.
3. Now enter the location and the company file name. 
4. Then Close Sage 50.
5. Next Open Windows Explorer.
6. Go to the location noted in the 2nd step.
7. Finally, delete both.SAI file and.SAJ folder with the same file name noted in step 2.
8. Take note that The.SAI file is also described as the Sage 50 Data file.
9. The extension.SAI might not be displayed depending on your Windows settings.
10. The.SAI file usually has the Sage 50 logo as its icon.

How to view all the Journal Entries in Sage 50?

To view all the Journal entries in Sage 50 you will have to:

1. Open the Report Center located in the Home Windows. 
2. Next, select the Report Type. 
3. Now select the transaction Report by name. 
4. Click on Display. 
5. Now double-click on the Journal number or the transaction date in order to drill. down the transaction windows.

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