How to Setup Email Settings in Sage 100 2019

Updated On: February 23, 2024 6:35 am

setup email settings in sage 100 2019

Most users regularly mistake Sage 50 for Sage 50 accounts. However the last one is only a part of the previous. Sage 50 alludes to an entire suite of programming projects. Also, there is a case when the user tries to send the invoices that the problems arise: Sage 50 No Default Email found Error comes. Essentially, Sage 50 is a business administration programming suite that includes an assortment of virtual products, for example, Sage 50 Accounts, Sage 50 HR, Sage 50 Manufacturing, Sage 50 Forecasting, and much more. The product suite is an excellent viable business administration arrangement and is therefore utilized generally everywhere across the world.

Some Common Sage 50 Email Errors

Here are the most frequently occurring email issues that have been identified:

  • In case you are using Sage 50 Accounts as a Windows administrator and Outlook as a user with lower access privileges, one might come across various issues communicating with Microsoft Outlook.
  • In case you encounter an error while sending an email, you need to try and restart your system and attempt once again. In case the issue consists, you might need to reinstall both your Sage software and Microsoft Office.
  • You might be unable to send all emails because of an error with the address xxx, resulting in an Unknown Error. In order to obtain additional information, please check the Windows Event Log.

Read More : Sage ERP Sendmail SMTP

About Email Settings

You can send email from Sage 100 Contractor:

  • By Using Microsoft Outlook.
  • By Using the company’s default SMTP connection.
  • By Using an alternate SMTP connection.

You use the Email Settings window to select your preference.

Launch  the Email Settings window in one of these ways:

Within a Report Printing Window

  • Within the toolbar, click the Email option.
  • WithIn the Email Distribution window that opens, click on the Email Settings button.
  • WithIn the 7-6 Alerts Manager, click the Email Settings option.
  • WithIn the Dispatch Board , click Settings > Email Setup.

Inorder to Send Email using Microsoft Outlook

  • Within the Email Settings window, select the Send email using Microsoft Outlook option.
  • WithIn the Email Address box, type an email address

In Order to Send Email using the Company’s default SMTP Connection

  • Within in the Email Settings window
  • Next select the Send email using the company’s default SMTP connection option.
  • Within the Email Address box, type an email address.
  • Within the Password box, type the password

To Send Email using this alternate SMTP Connection

  • Within the Email Settings window, you need to select the Send email using this alternate SMTP connection option.
  • Next Enter your mail server information.
    • Go to the Mail Server text box, now enter the name of the email server.
    • Within in the Port# box, type the email server port number.
    • In case the Internet service provider (ISP) service handling your email service needs user authentication, click select Requires authentication.
    • Next Select Uses SSL for email, if your ISP needs it.
  • Within the Email Address box, type an email address.
  • (Optional) In the Password box, type the password

How to Email your Order Invoices Directly from Sage 100 using the Paperless Office functionality

Follow the step by step instructions given below:

Step 1: Authenticate on your Email Server

  • Go the Library Master
  • Click on the main folder Company Maintenance
  • Select the company that you want the invoices to be mailed from
  • Press on the Email tab
  • Fill in the IP address of the server you are using to send out e-mails and choose the port opened for relaying the mails
  • Enter the User ID and Password for email server authentication
  • Choose the SMTP (encryption needed like SSL )
  • Put in the User name and Password to authenticate on your email server

(Use a new user name and password specifically for this purpose as opposed to using an existing user name and password)

Step 2: Check for the Test E-mail

  • Once done click on the Test E-mail to do the test
  • Use the email address you are authenticating from in the From field and Click Accept
  • Once this is done you can go to the Paperless Office Options
  • Make sure the Form box option is checked

Step 3: Setting up Email Password

  • Once done go to Form Maintenance to tell Sage 100 where the document is being sent from and where we would like to store it
  • Click on the Save icon on the right side of the search glass
  • Click All companies A/P and Select
  • Click the Electronic Delivery option
  • Email address you want the customer to see (like Accountsrceivable@… Or Customerservice@…)
  • Choose the folder on the network where you are storing the document in the PDF Directory field
  • In the Override Password field, you can give a password

(If your emails are password protected, this is the password customer can use in case he forgets the original password)

Step 4: Update the Subject Line of Email

Next go to the Electronic Delivery Message Maintenance (This is where you set up the message customers will see with the sales order invoice)
Include the Subject Line and the complete message you want to reflect in the box below

Once you Click on Print it will Connect to the Email Server and Send the Email

This is how you configure Sage 100 to electronically deliver sales invoices. These are the series of steps that need to be followed in sequence to set up your email for a client in Sage 100. However, if you face any issues or falter on these steps then the help is right a call away.

You can call AccountingAdvice and we can help with your email setup in Sage 100. We are the trusted Sage support service provider in the entire US and Canada region.

Our experts have the right tool and are amply skilled in identifying and resolving even the most difficult error; be it functional, configurationally, server or data related.

Also Read : Sage 100 Paperless Electronic Delivery Via Gmail Requires App Password

Final Words

So, there you have it friends, these are some of the facts, features and aspects regarding How to Setup Email Settings in Sage 100 2019. However, if you still have doubts regarding the same, be sure to visit us at:

Accounting Professionals & Specialized Experts

Want quick help from accounting software experts? Get in touch with our team members who can install, configure and configure your software for you. Proficient in fixing technical issues, they can help you quickly get back to work whenever you encounter an error in Sage software. Our team is available 24/7 365 days to assist you. To get in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can One Set Up Email in Sage?

In order to do this, you need to:
1. With in Sage 50 Accounts
2. Now click Settings
3. Next click Email Defaults then within the Email Program drop-down 
4. Now click Webmail. 
5. Within the Email Provider drop-down 
6. Click on your email provider
or if not listed click Other. 
7. Finally Under Sender Details enter the required display name and email address.

How can One Set up Sage 100 Contractors to Email using the Gmail Account?

In order to do this you need to:
1. Launch Library Master
2. Go to Main menu
3. Next go to Company Maintenance.
4. Now For Company Code, enter or select the applicable company code from lookup.
5. Next Access the Email tab.
6. Finally, For Address, enter (or the value issued by your provider)

How can one Change the Email Settings in Sage?

In order to do this, you need to:
1. Click <My Profile> 
2. Administration 
3. Email And Documents 
4. Email Configuration. 
5. Click Change and specify the Email/SMS settings. 
6. To enable the embedded email editor, ensure Use CRM’s embedded Email Client is set to Yes. 
7. To let users send emails using Microsoft Outlook
8. Set allow Send Using Outlook to Yes.

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