Custom Forms are Missing in Sage 50

Updated On: September 6, 2023 6:26 am

Fix Custom Forms are Missing in Sage 50

There are users who work on Sage 50 accounting solutions, who might find an issue with the Tax forms within Sage 50; this is related to Payroll Tax Forms. There are times when these forms might not even show up properly within the Payroll Tax Forms Selector screen even after installing the latest tax update

Sage 50 Payroll Tax Forms Not Showing in Payroll Tax Forms Selector Window is an error that might occur in various manners and one must be wondering why no forms are showing up in the Payroll Tax Form Selector.

Also, the missing tax forms error might re-appear. Likewise, when there are just these options available within payroll tax form selector current forms or the tax forms are not upgraded, then you might have to follow similar steps to fix the problem.

So, what to do, when Customs forms are missing in Sage 50? Here are the solutions:

Cannot View Custom Forms on some Workstations

One can only view custom forms on some workstations. The same Custom forms are also missing on some workstations or one Does not see the same forms on one of the workstations. The reason for this can be that the data paths on some workstations are not directed to the correct data path:

The Solution

  • For the Sage 50 U.S. Edition to function properly within a network environment. Also, all the workstations need to be set to use the same data location or data path.
  • In case the workstation has not been set to use the correct data path, you need to change it to do so.
  • In case the missing custom forms are made on a workstation set within a local data path, make a backup of the company before changing the data path. Next, restore the custom forms after changing the data path.
  • UAC set too high – In case it is set to the very top of UAC, lower 1-2 levels:
    • Start by clicking the Windows Start button,
    • Within the Search field type UAC.
    • Now Select Change User Account Control settings.
    • Next, Move the slider bar down to the desired setting
    • Next, select OK.
    • Click Yes to the Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?
    • Finally, Reboot for the changes to take effect.

Read More-: Sage Missing Company File after Upgrade

My Custom Forms are no Longer Printing after Updating Sage 50

Can the customized forms be erased as the Sage 50 is updated by a new release? As the custom forms are no longer printed after any updates of Sage 50. Also, My custom checks are no longer in the printing after any updates of Sage 50. My custom direct deposit slips are no longer printed after updating Sage 50 or when My payroll forms are being removed after the installation of the updates. So, how to not lose custom forms after an update Custom forms disappear after an update:

  • Sage 50 release updates could remove the customized forms if they are located in the default folder:
  • C:\Program Files\Sage 50 *** Edition\Forms or C:\Program Files(x86)\Sage 50 *** Edition\Forms
  • During the update, the Sage 50 database misplaced the location of the custom forms.

The Solutions

  • Go to the default Forms folder in C:\Program Files\Sage 50 *** Edition\Forms or C:\Program Files(x86)\Sage 50 *** Edition\Forms or to perform an extension search for .sfm files in Windows
  • Now, Copy the customized forms and paste them within a folder on the local drive eg. C:\\Sage or C:\\Sage 50 Forms
  • Next, Install the new release
  • Now, Find out where your custom forms have been stored
  • Click Select Setup
  • Click on Reports and Forms to locate the form name
  • Click Select User Defined form
  • Navigate to the form
  • Finally, click OK

Custom Forms are Missing

Various Customized forms like paychecks checks, sales orders, invoices, or quotes, are missing:

  • The company restored without including customized forms
  • Forms are no longer compatible, in case missing after the conversion and or when the wrong form is selected
  • Incorrect data path, in case the custom forms are missing from only a certain workstation
  • Copied company folders, but not the Forms folder to a new location

The Solutions

Part 1: Incorrect Data Path

Section 1: Change at Server or Standalone Computer

  • Launch Sage 50 and create a backup of each company.
  • Close Sage.
  • Go to Control Panel.
  • Next, select Programs and Features.
  • Uninstall Sage.
  • Reinstall Sage while selecting the new data location during the Installation Wizard.
  • Launch Sage and restore each backup from Step 1 into a new company

Note: This process can also be completed using the Sage 50 Database Repair Utility, and then moving the company directories over to a new location.

Section 2: Change at Workstations with Mapped Drive

Note: In case you are using Sage 50 US version 2021 or higher you can directly go to Section 3 to use a UNC path rather than a mapped drive.

These are the steps that assume that the new network drive has already been mapped.

  • Close Sage
  • Note the path to the new data location
  • Launch the Computer and go to C:\ProgramData\Sage\Peachtree
  • Launch the configuration file for your version. This can be done by using Notepad, if prompted to select a program:
    • Release 2023: Peachtree300.ini
    • Release 2022: Peachtree290.ini
    • Release 2021: Peachtree280.ini
    • Release 2020: Peachtree270.ini
  • Edit the line beginning DATAPATH= to use your new data location, for instance, change it from DATAPATH=P:\Company\ to DATAPATH=N:\Peachtree\Company\
  • Click Select File
  • Now click Save
  • Close Notepad
  • Now, Open Sage
  • Finally, verify the data can be accessed

Section 3: Change at Workstations with UNC pat

Note: These steps are only applicable to work on the 2021 version or above.

  • Close Sage
  • Note the UNC path to the new data location
  • Open Computer and browse to C:\ProgramData\Sage\Peachtree
  • Open the configuration file for your version (using Notepad, if prompted to select a program):
    • Release 2023: Peachtree300.ini
    • Release 2022: Peachtree290.ini
    • Release 2021: Peachtree280.ini
  • Edit the line beginning DATAPATH= to use your new data location (for example, change it to DATAPATH=\\SERVERNAME\Peachtree\Company\ if the server’s name was SERVERNAME with a share name of Peachtree)
  • Select File, and then click Save
  • Close Notepad
  • Open Sage and verify the data can be accessed

Part 2: Company Restored without Custom Forms/BI Reports

  • Locate a backup (.PTB file) created when the forms/reports existed
  • Next Launch Sage 50 Accountingโ€”U.S. Edition and the company
  • Click Select File
  • Next, click select Restore
  • Click Select Browse
  • Click the backup file from Step 1
  • Click Open
  • Click Select Next
  • Click Select Overwrite existing company data
  • Click Select Next
  • Be sure to clear the Company Data box.
  • Next, select only the Customized Forms and Intelligence Reporting Reports boxes
  • Click on Next
  • Click onย Finish
  • Finally, Verify if you have custom forms if you still have not restored them from a different backup

Note: In case the forms/reports are still missing after repeating the above steps, you might need to manually recreate them.

Part 3: Company Folders Copied to a New Location

  • Go to the old server
  • Next copy the company data folders and the Forms folder,
  • Now, Transfer the company data folders through Flash Drive, CD, or shared folder.
  • Finally, Paste the folders into the data path of the new server or system allowing it to over-write the Forms folder.

Also Read-: Sage 50 Missing Invoice


So, there you have it people, These are some of the causes, descriptions, and solutions when it comes to Customs Forms that are missing in Sage 50. However, if you still have doubts regarding the same, please visit . and our team of experts is sure to help you out.

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    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    How to Create a Form in Sage 50?

    To Create a Form in Sage 50, you need to follow the below steps:

    For the Invoices:
    ๐Ÿ”น Go to the Home window within the Setup menu
    ๐Ÿ”น Select Reports and Forms.
    ๐Ÿ”น Click the form you wish to customize from the left side of the window.
    ๐Ÿ”น Now Select a form style from the Show form setting for the list.
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Printer Form Settings area, the Form Type box defaults to Sage 50 Form.
    ๐Ÿ”น In the Description menu, click the User-defined option.
    ๐Ÿ”น Now, Click Customize Form to open the Select Sage 50 Form window.

    In the Select Sage 50 Form Window, click one of the following Options:
    ๐Ÿ”นCreate a new form from the template: Sage 50 Accounting will create a new form by using a default template.
    ๐Ÿ”น Customization of existing user-defined form: In case you are customizing an existing form, the one that you had designed and saved. You need to enter the location and name of the form file or click Browse to open the file directory.
    ๐Ÿ”น Click OK to open the Sage 50 Forms Designer

    For the other Transactions, Except for Cheques:
    ๐Ÿ”น Go to the Home window within the Setup menu
    ๐Ÿ”น Now select Reports and Forms.
    ๐Ÿ”น Next, Click the form you wish to customize from the left side of the window.
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Printer Form Settings area, select a user-defined Sage 50 Form.
    ๐Ÿ”น The Form Type box defaults to Sage 50 Form:
    ๐Ÿ”น In the Description box.
    ๐Ÿ”น Click select the User-defined option.
    ๐Ÿ”น Now, Click Customize Form to launch the Select Sage 50 Form window.

    In the Select Sage 50 Form Window, Choose one of the following Options:
    ๐Ÿ”น Create a new form from the template. Sage 50 Accounting will create a new form using a default template.
    ๐Ÿ”น Customize existing user-defined forms. In case you are customizing an existing form, the one that you had designed and saved, enter the location and name of the form file, or click Browse to launch the file directory.
    ๐Ÿ”น Finally, Click OK to open the Sage 50 Forms Designer

    How to Create a Form in Sage 50?

    To do so, you need to follow the below steps:

    A standard Sage 50 Form:
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Home window located in the Setup menu, choose Reports and Forms.
    ๐Ÿ”น Go to the left side of the window
    ๐Ÿ”น Now click on Invoices.
    ๐Ÿ”น Click Select a form style from the Show form setting for the list.
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Printer Form Settings section, click Custom Form.
    ๐Ÿ”น Go to the Description
    ๐Ÿ”น Click select a template.
    ๐Ÿ”น Finally, Click OK

    A Sage 50 Form Created or Modified by you:
    ๐Ÿ”น In the Home window on the Setup menu
    ๐Ÿ”น Now select Reports and Forms.
    ๐Ÿ”น Go to the left side of the window.
    ๐Ÿ”น Now click Invoices.
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Printer Form Settings section
    ๐Ÿ”น Click Custom Form.
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Description select User-defined Invoice.
    ๐Ÿ”น Now Click Browse.
    ๐Ÿ”น In the Select Sage 50 Form window, click Select the file that has been saved.
    ๐Ÿ”น Now click Open.
    ๐Ÿ”น Finally, Click OK.

    In the Case of a Pre-Printed Form:
    ๐Ÿ”น Go to the Home window with the Setup menu
    ๐Ÿ”น Now select Reports and Forms.
    ๐Ÿ”น Go to the left side of the window,
    ๐Ÿ”น Now click Invoices.
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Printer Form Settings section, click Preprinted Form.
    ๐Ÿ”น Within the Printer Form Settings for All Preprinted Invoices section, in the Form Type box, select a pre-printed form template.
    ๐Ÿ”น Finally, Click OK.

    Can we Customize Sage 50?

    Sage 50 Accounts also includes certain custom fields that do not have any specific purpose. The user can rename these fields and utilize them to store additional information. The user can also add these to their reports and layouts.

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