Fix Sage 50 Error Code 0x80040702

Updated On: January 14, 2025 11:55 am

Fix Sage 50 Error Code 0x80040702 1

Sage 50 error code 0x80040702 encountered when the operating system of Windows is not able to find the .dll file of library. This file is most needed while starting up the windows. Here you get the more reasons that cause the error code while working in the Sage account. You get the solution as well here that is directly given by the team who is always here to help you out. You just need to go with the solution that you want to choose.

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Want quick help from accounting software experts? Get in touch with our team members who can install, configure and configure your software for you. Proficient in fixing technical issues, they can help you quickly get back to work whenever you encounter an error in Sage software. Our team is available 24/7 365 days to assist you. To get in touch.

Cause of Sage 50 Error Code 0x80040702

  • Not able to browse or locate the .dll library file.
  • Registry database is corrupted or damaged.
  • Virus attack in your system that affects the files.
  • The file is failed to load while windows startup.

Also Read: Sage 50 DLL Error Fix .DLL File Missing, Not Open Load

Steps for Resolve Sage 50 Error 0x80040702

There are various ways to fix the Sage error 0x80040702 in your Sage account. Here is the solution that you have to follow accordingly and completely.

Step 1: Update the System Manually

  • Log in to your system as an administrator
  • Now go to the Start button and then search for the System Tools option
  • Then double click on the System Tools to open it
  • Now in this, you need to click on the option “Restore my system to an earlier time
  • After that click Next button to proceed further
  • You need to select and open the restore point that you have done most recently
  • In this list, select a restore point list then do click on the button Next to continue
  • A confirmation window pops-up in this click on the Yes by giving the positive confirmation
  • Now reboot your system after completing the restoration process.

Step 2: Automated solution

  • Firstly, you need to download the Repair utility tool
  • This tool helps you in resolving the problem easily
  • After successful download, go to the download file
  • Then install it in your system
  • When installed, click on the Scan button to scan your system for analyzing the glitches
  • A list is provided to you of errors if it founds after the scan is completed
  • Then press the button named Fix errors to get it resolved and you can do the work properly
  • At the end, restart you system to apply all the changes made in it.

You can also do this to resolve the issue if it helps you in this error:-

Clean the cache from the Temporary folder

  • In the system, press and hold the Windows+R keys together to open the Run Window
  • In the search field, type %windair%\Softwareistribution\DataStore then click on the ok button or press Enter key
  • In the opened window, select all using the Ctrl+A buttons from the keyboard
  • Then click on the Delete button to delete all the selected content.

Also Read : How to Fix Sage 50 Error Connecting to Database?


So, you see code 0X80040702 is usually encountered when an operating system of the Windows is unable to locate all the .dll files from the library. This is a file that is most required when you need to start up the Windows. However, for more details about the same, be sure to logon to  and you will be surprised with the information on the topic offered.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can One Fix the Error Code 0X8004070?

In order to do so, you can follow the below steps:
1. Follow the Single User Manual Uninstall Steps.
2. Delete C:\Program Files\Common Files\Install Shield\.
3. Delete the appropriate folder under C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\.
4. Click on Start.
5. Click Program Files.
6. Click Accessories.

What is the Error 54 in Sage 50?

This error is in fact a data file error where Sage 50 or Peachtree Accounting Software is unable to read the data file correctly. The Sage Error 54 error is mainly caused by: A workstation losing connection from the database of the company. The other reason can be Workstation lockup or reboot when Sage 50 was left open.

What are the main Causes of the Error code 0X80040702?

The main causes of the Error code: 

1. User Access Control (UAC) has blocked the setup from running.
2. Anti-virus or other security software has blocked the setup.
3. Presence of damaged or missing Windows system files.
4. Presence of the Invalid serial number.

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