How to do Non-Routine Transactions in Sage 50?

Updated On: February 12, 2025 7:18 am

Non Routine Transactions in Sage 50

Nonroutine transactions are basically activities which take place only periodically, for example, taking physical inventory, calculating depreciation expense or adjusting for foreign currencies. The unique aspect about the nonroutine transactions is that data-in- volved are basically not part of the routine flow of transactions. So, How to do non-routine transactions on Sage 50? Well, here is a look at some of the most basic aspects of the process:

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Method to Do Non-routine Transactions in Sage 50

The Non-Routine Transactions Method in Sage 50 can be processed easily if you follow these two steps.

  • Issue the check
  • Deal with the customer’s balance.

You will also have a flexibility of issuing a refund check to the customer. It works on the situation when the customer has an Open Credit in the Account and this becomes a valid reason to initiate the refund.

Also Read: Setting Up Accounts Payable in Sage 50

Method 1: To Issue the Check

  • Click on the Task Menu
  • Now, click on the Payment Option.
  • Go to the Vendor ID and a list will appear. Click on the desired Customer ID (You can also enter the Customer ID manually)
  • In “Pay to Order” option, the Name and Address of the specific Customer ID will appear.

Method 2: Now, complete all the onscreen instructions

(It includes Check Number and Date). It is same instruction as for all the checks that you use.

  • Now, go to the Customer’s Account Tab and click on the Apply
  • Enter the Description (Check Information)
  • Your General Ledger Account will be set to Receivable Account (The process is automatic) – No need to change it.
  • If the amount is not entered, enter the amount in the respective tab. Now, select the print the Check Now and then select the Save Button. You can also select the Print Later.

Method 3: To Apply for the Refund

  • Go to the Customer Balance and then click on the Task Menu
  • Click on the Receive Money.
  • In the Cash Receipt, enter the amount $0.00.
  • In any case, the step is skipped, the Credit Memo and the Refund will continue to pop-up on the Receivable Report with zero Customer Balance.

Method 4: To Enter the Data in Customer Field

  • In the Customer ID field, click on the Customer.
  • Now, click on the “Apply Refund” or any similar information like Reference No./ Check field
  • You can leave the Receipt Number column blank.
  • In the Date Column of the refund check, set the Date.
  • The Invoice check will show the Refund Check Number in the “Apply to Invoice” Tab
  • You need to check the Pay box for the refund issued in the Credit Memo.
  • To make total amount receipt to $0.00, both the amounts should be on Offset mode with each other.
  • If you don’t find any Credit Memo, create a fresh Credit Memo.

Method 5: To Print Deposit Ticket in Sage 50

  • First, you need to make sure that it has a completely new Deposit Ticket ID for all the transactions; otherwise, the items (with numbers) will flash in the deposits.
  • If a fresh deposit ticket is not printed, the same ticket ID will work on other transactions. The Total Deposit Amount will not be affected due to a net $0.00 amount.

Also Read: Correcting Transactions in Sage Accounts


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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Meant by Non Routine Transaction?

These are the activities that occur periodically. For instance: taking physical inventory, adjusting for foreign currencies and calculating the depreciation.

Is it Possible to Edit a Transaction within Sage 50?

Yes, in order to do so, you need to:
1. Click Transactions
2. Now select the transaction you wish to fix 
3. Finally click Edit. 
4. Now Edit the transaction details as required.

How can one use Memorized Transactions within Sage 50?

In order to enter the memorized transaction within Sage 50, you need to:

1. Go to the Maintain menu.
2. Now select Memorized Transactions. 
3. Next select the type of transactions required.
4. Now Enter a transaction ID and description that defines the transaction. 
5. Then, enter the transaction information. 
6. Once done, click Save to record the memorized transaction for later use.

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