Sage 300 Keeps Crashing in Windows 10

Updated On: August 12, 2024 6:13 am

Sage 300 Keeps Crashing in Windows 10 issue

If you’re like most people, you installed the latest version of Windows 10 on your computer and everything seemed to be going smoothly. That is, until you started experiencing crashes. It turns out that the Sage 300 software that’s used to manage passwords and other sensitive information is causing the crashes. And although Microsoft has released a patch to fix the problem, many users are still facing problems. In this blog post, we will explain what’s happening with the Sage 300 software and how you can avoid crashing in Windows 10. We also recommend some fixes if you’re already experiencing crashes.

However, we must not forget one thing that no software is 100 % free of errors and bugs and Sage 300 is also no exception either. Many users have intimated to us that they faced the issue of Sage 300 keeps crashing in Windows 10.

Before proceeding to the troubleshooting part, let’s first get to know why this issue occurs at all.

Possible Causes of the issue of Sage 300 keeps crashing in Windows 10

desktop stop working window

While there may be several technical issues that may lead to this error, here, we are listing some prominent ones-

  • The UAC notification is set as ‘maximum
  • Corrupt installation of the latest Windows 10 update
  • Incomplete installation of the 
  • Windows 10 update
  • Your system is not meeting the minimum requirements to run the Sage 300 software

Read More : Sage 50 Crashing After Windows 10 Update

How to Fix the issue of Sage 300 keeps crashing in Windows 10?

Here, we are discussing multiple methods to fix this issue-

Method 1: Open the Sage Software in Compatibility Mode

Please follow the steps below-

  • Right click on the Sage 300 icon on your desktop
  • Click on Properties
  • Click on the compatibility tab
  • Click on the compatibility mode box
  • From the drop-down menu, select Windows 10
  • Click OK to continue
  • Start the Sage 300 application in the admin mode
  • Check whether the scales of High DPI get a high priority
  • Please execute the above changes in all the Windows 10 machines and the server

Please Note

  • In case the Sage 300 icon is placed on the Quick Launch ToolBar, right click and unpin it from the taskbar
  • After the above-mentioned procedure is complete, you can re-pin the icon.

Method 2: End Services Running in the Background

Here are the steps to follow-

  • Go to Task Manager 
  • Click on More Details
  • Go to Details
  • From the list, click and end both ‘w3dbsmgr.exe’ and ‘Peachw.exe’ processes
  • Click Windows + R together to open the Run menu
  • Type “SERVICES.MSC” in the text box
  • Click OK
  • Right Click on PSQL and Pervasive Workgroup Engine
  • Select Stop
  • Verify if the error has been resolved or not

Method 3: Restart the Actian/Pervasive

Make sure that you are restarting the pervasive engine on the workstation that is hosting your company file.

  • Log on as an admin.
  • Click on Start 
  • Go to Settings
  • Click on Control Panel
  • Now, double-click on the Administrative Tools tab
  • Double-click on Services.
  • Locate the Pervasive PSQL Client Engine
  • Right click on it and choose Stop
  • Now right-click on it again and select Restart.

If your Screen stops responding while you are using Sage 300

There are various reasons why your Sage 300 screen might freeze, this could include delays over the Internet that can lead to the screen to “time out.”

When your screen stops responding:

  • Start by checking to see if there is a loose network cable on the back of your machine.
  • Now, Close the frozen screen by clicking the “x” located at the top right, and then try to log in again.
  • Open the Windows Task Manager, and end the remote desktop process. Now try to log in again.
    • When you use Windows 8, go to the Details tab, right-click mstsc.exe, and finally click End Process.
    • When you use Windows 10, go to the Processes tab, now right-click Remote Desktop Connection, and then finally click End Task

When these steps do not resolve the problem be sure to contact Sage 300 Customer Support for further assistance.

If Sage 300 Screens Close Unexpectedly

Either of the following errors might occur and cause your Sage 300 screens to close unexpectedly:

  • RemoteApp Disconnected
  • The network connection to the remote computer was lost

When a “RemoteApp Disconnected” message appears

The following message will be displayed:

This message shows

RemoteApp Disconnected

message shows that your connection to Sage 300 has been unexpectedly lost.

To resume working:

  • Click OK on the “RemoteApp Disconnected” message.
  • All open Sage 300 screens disappear.
  • Now, relaunch Sage 300.
  • When a “network connection to the remote computer was lost” message appears.

Note: This problem is known to occur more frequently when you use a system on a wireless network. It is recommended to use a network cable to connect directly to your network when using Sage 300.

You will see a message such as this:

connected to RDCBHA Sage 300 online

This message shows that your connection to Sage 300 has been unexpectedly lost.

Sage 300 attempts to reconnect:

Sage 300 attempts to reconnect

This message shows that your connection to Sage 300 has been unexpectedly lost.

Note: It is recommended to NOT click cancel while Sage 300 attempts to reconnect.

When the Screens are Minimized when you Start Sage 300

Once you start Sage 300, screens might sometimes appear to be minimized with no clear indication to restore them into view.

This problem can also occur once you double-click the title bar of a Sage 300 screen, or when you click the Restore button within the title bar located next to the Close button.

To restore a minimized screen:

  • Start by pressing and holding the Shift key on your keyboard.
  • Next, right-click the icon for the Sage 300 screen on the Windows taskbar.
  • Go to the menu that appears and click Maximize.

Note: To resize a maximized screen, click and drag the title bar away from the top of your screen.

Also Read : Sage 50 Not Responding or has Stopped Working

Final Words

We hope the troubleshooting steps mentioned above would help you fix the issue of Sage 300 keeps crashing in Windows 10. If you are still not able to get rid of this issue, or, if you experience any difficulties in carrying out the above-mentioned steps, we would recommend you to speak to the experts.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I Fix the Sage Does not Open issue in Windows 10 when the  Sage 300 Program is running in the Background?

Please follow the steps follow to fix the Sage does not open issue in windows 10

1. Press ctrl, alt and del together on your keyboard 
2. Now click on the Start Task Manager tab 
3. Click on More Details 
4. Now click on Details
5. Next, click on the peachw.exe file
6. Click on the End Task tab
7. Close the task manager
8. Start the Sage software again and check if the issue still persists.

My Sage 300 Software Freezes frequently. How can I fix it?

Here is a step-by-step procedure to resolve this issue-
1. Navigate to Start
2. Now click on Task Manager
3. Click the Processes tab on the top bar
4. A list will appear on your screen.
5. Select Sage300.exe from this list
6. Now click on the End Process tab
7. Close Task Manager 
8. Check if you are able to fix the issue.

In Windows 10, how can I locate the Missing Service Update for my Sage 300 by Running a Repair?

Locate the missing service update for my Sage 300 by running a Repair, Here are the steps to follow-
1. Close the Sage application
2. Log in as an admin
3. Browse to the Data Path
4. Locate the Software Updates Folder
5. Choose the recent Service Release 
6. Follow the on-screen instructions in order to install the recent update
7. Wait till the update gets completed
8. Restart the Sage Software
9. Go to the Help section
10. Browse to the Sage 300 latest update section to verify if the latest update was installed

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