Guide on Sage 50 Payroll Email Payslips: Setup, Troubleshooting, and Testing

Updated On: October 28, 2024 9:39 am

Sage 50 Payroll Email Payslips

Sage 50 is one of the most popularly used accounting software that assists businesses to manage their financial operations. One of its prime features is the ability to send invoices and Sage 50 Payroll Email Payslips, thus saving businesses a lot of time and effort. Nevertheless, at times, users might come across certain problems while emailing invoices or payslips from Sage 50. Let’s see common errors that users face when sending emails from Sage 50 and solve them.

How to Send Reports and Payslips By Email?

Before starting emailing the documents, the user needs to make sure that their email settings are correct, according to the email service that is being used.

NOTE: Your Sage software doesn’t support Microsoft’s New Outlook application. If you enable this, you can no longer export emails from Sage 50 Payroll to Outlook.


Let us take a look at the solution to this error:


There are a couple of preparation steps to carry out before emailing a payslip or report to the employees.

NOTE: When you have previously updated the records and need to reprint payslips, you need to follow the steps.

Microsoft Outlook: Set Outlook as the default email program within your system and apply email settings to your document. Next, email a document using Microsoft Outlook.

Webmail: The customer can use services such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Microsoft 365 to email their documents. As these are cloud-based services, the SMTP settings must be configured. For this, you can use webmail (SMTP) to email documents.

Set up your employees to receive documents by email: The user can specify which employees have agreed to receive documents electronically and attach a date of confirmation. Likewise, they can also set up a password to protect these documents from an unauthorized person accessing them. You can set up employees to receive documents by email.

Email a Payslip

For this, you need to:

  • Navigate to Employee.
  • Highlight the relevant employee, then Pre-update reports.
  • Next, select Email, then use one of our standard email payslips.
  • Now, select Email.

Email a Report

The user can email various reports to their employees, such as a payslip.

  • Go to and select the report you wish to use
  • Now select Email.
  • When required, enter the criteria
  • Now, select OK
  • A missing email settings screen appears.
  • Now, click Yes and select the Provider and Format.
  • Finally, click OK.


There are times when your documents might fail to email or do not appear as expected once you open them.

For this, you need to follow the troubleshooting email errors and issues article to fix any errors.

Also Read: Sage 50 Payroll Update Error

Setting Up E-mail Payslips

When trying to set up the email payslips, before one can e-mail payslips to employees, one is required to enter a valid e-mail address for the employees and set up the e-mail settings within the program. It is also needed to have configured the e-mail and SMTP settings.


Following are the steps for the issue:

Entering email addresses for employees:

Here, both the Internal and external e-mail addresses need to be added to the details of the employee using the data loader profile 3 – Joiner/Leaver and Permanent Data Import, or directly in the program as shown below:

Internal E-mail:

  • Click Employees
  • Next double-click Employment Records.
  • Now click on Employment Details.
  • Use the Lookup to select the employee.
  • Click on Edit
  • Now, enter the Internal Email in the box at the bottom right.
  • Click Save
  • Finally, you need to repeat steps 2 to 5 for any other employees you want to send documents to
  • End by clicking on Exit

External E-mail:

  • Start by clicking on Employees.
  • Next double-click Personal Records
  • Now click Personal Details.
  • Use the Lookup to select the employee.
  • Click on Edit
  • Next, enter the employee’s e-mail within the External Email box.
  • It is recommended to send the employee a test e-mail outside of payroll to check if this email address is valid.
  • Now, click Save
  • Finally, repeat steps 2 to 5 for any other employees that you wish to send documents to
  • Finally, click Exit

Excluding employees from receiving e-mail documents

In case there are some employees that you still wish to receive a printed payslip, P60, P11D, and P45, instead of the e-mail version, one can set them to be excluded from e-mail documents. None of the e-mail versions of any of these documents will be created for them. The user can apply this change in bulk using the data loader profile 3 – Joiner/Leaver and Permanent Data Import, or individually by the following steps:

  • Start by clicking on Payroll.
  • Next double-click Perm. Data
  • Now click on Basic Details.
  • Click select the employee using Lookup.
  • Click Edit
  • Click Exc. Emailing Docs
  • Finally, click OK
  • Repeat steps 2 to 4 for any employees that you wish to receive paper forms/payslips.

Once you Run Payroll, a report called Payslips for Printing – PESLPXXX will be created within UtilitiesPrintand Payroll Reports. This can be used to print payslips for the employees marked as excluded only.

Entering e-mail settings

  • Start by clicking on Admin.
  • Next double-click Payroll Administration
  • Now double-click Emailing Documents,
  • After this, click Emailing Payslips Set-up.
  • Make sure that the correct Payroll Company code is shown at the top, for this use the Lookup to select it if not.
  • Now, select the payslips type, Y or Z are the valid options and correspond to the same options within PayrollProcessingand Control File.
  • Next, select the Payslip Colour Theme.
  • This is mainly the color of the background borders.
  • The user can click the View Example Payslip option located at the bottom right to see how the payslip background will look.
  • Now, click the Password Protect box and select an option for the password, either NI Number or date of birth. When you select Date of Birth, the user can select the format to be used. The employee is required to enter this password to view the payslip.
  • Select the Employee E-mail Address(es) to use.
  • Now, enter the From Email Address – this is displayed on the e-mail as the sender.
  • Enter the Payslip Admin Email Address.
  • After this, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to this address once the PDF payslip process has been completed. When you want to send this to more than one address you can enter multiple addresses separated by a semi-colon (;) and a space.
  • Logo Filename Server Side – if you want to add a logo to your payslip, enter/paste the path to the jpeg file here. Please note the maximum size limit of 360 x 261 pixels. We recommend you store the jpeg in the Control folder on the server (under SnowdropKCS\Payrollv10\Apps\Live\Control).
  • Email Subject: enter the text that you wish to be displayed within the subject line of the e-mail.
  • Email Body: Now enter the text you wish to be displayed within the body of the e-mail.
  • Password Information: When the “Do not use Password Information?” box is ticked, no text appears on the e-mail related to the password. Once the box is clear, a hint appears in the body of the e-mail, which is the grayed text in the box located below.
  • Now, clicking the View Example Payslip option displays a preview of the payslip background along with the logo, in case one has been added, but no figures or text relating to an employee.
  • After you have entered the settings, click Save to save the changes and shut the screen.

How to Update Sage 50 Payroll Email Settings Due to Authentication Changes?

 Most users might know that Microsoft is ending Basic Authentication within, and Google is ending Basic Authentication within Gmail.

When you do not email documents from the software, or you have previously used the MAPI or the Outlook app you are not affected, then you do not need to take any action.

However, if you use SMTP to email documents from the Sage 50 Payroll through or Gmail it is required to update the email configuration. Likewise, you can also set up Sage HR Online Services and upload the payslips of the employee to a secure online portal.


Online services:

Much like the much easier alternative to emailing payslips, the user can use their software to upload payslips directly to a secure, integrated online portal. Here, the employees can then log in to their Sage HR Online Services portal 24/7 and view, download or print their payslips and P60s.

With the help of this option, you can save time by maintaining a version of Microsoft Outlook that is compatible with Sage 50 Payroll.

The email configuration options:

In case the user decides to continue sending emails from their software; in this case the options depend on which email provider you use.

To continue to send emails via:

  • Microsoft email account, the user needs to send using classic Outlook.
  • Gmail email account, the user needs to either send using classic Outlook or use an App Password to continue using SMTP.

Troubleshoot email issues in Sage 50 Payroll

  • Open Sage 50 Payroll, preview any report, click Printer Offsets then click Email Setup.
  • In the Default Provider drop-down click Microsoft Outlook.
  • Select Where MAPI is specified in the report, and use the default provider instead check box.
  • Click OK, close the preview window and when prompted to save changes click No.
  • Try emailing your document again.
  • If the issue continue, repeat the steps using MAPI instead of Microsoft Outlook.

NOTE: Using MAPI to email your document should be used only as a temporary solution. You must continue troubleshooting until your email is successful using the Outlook setting.

How to Troubleshoot Sending Payslips via E-mail?

In case the setup is incomplete or there are employees without an email address, error

message can occur.

  • In case you have not completed the E-mail Setup Screen by the time you are printing

and emailing the Payslips, a message will be displayed.

In this case, you need to go back to the Setup screen and make sure that it has been completed.

  • When you are trying to email a PDF Payslip to an Employee who does not have an E-

mail Address populated on their Employee Information Screen (IS), another message will be displayed and an Error Report will be generated, listing the Employees without E-mail Addresses.

Employees Are Not receiving their Payslips

In case you are sending the payslips but the employees are not receiving the e-mails. This is seen when emails are sent individually from the payslip screen (PS), and the mail program opens a new mail with the PDF attached. These e-mails are received by the employees.

This problem identifies that the information sent from the payroll to the mail server is not accessing the mail server.

Step 1

  • You need to access the PDF E-mail Setup:
  1. Main Menu
  2. Payroll
  3. PDF E-mail Setup
  • Next, you need to validate that the: SMTP Server, SMTP Port, Username, and Password are all correct.
  • This can be re-entered after confirming the correct details with your IT department.
  • In case you are using a secure mail server, make sure to tick the tick box within the setup screen.
  • This can be tested with and without when you are not sure.

Step 2

  • Make sure that the Mail Server Relay is not blocking external mail or emails sent to

Different domains. We have found that if the domains are blocked, the emails will not be sent out. This is something IT needs to check on the mail server.

  • The SMTP ports should be added within the firewall on both workstations and/or servers for in and outbound communication.

Step 3

  • You need to test the access to the mail server by using the steps provided in the following links received from 3rd parties:



  • It is suggested that IT check that the mail server can be accessed in this manner with the login information added on the PDF Payslip setup screen.

Also Read: Sage 50 Payroll Update Release 2024

How to Test if the Setup Works?

  • The user can request the IT department to check if the information sent from the payroll reaches the mail server by accessing the mail server to validate the information when reaching the mail server. Usually, the administrator’s username or password is incorrect.
  • You can change an e-mail address to an incorrect e-mail address on an employee – if the mail server is accessed, the administrator will receive an e-mail in the “Reply to” address on the PDF setupClassic/Premier/Sage 200c – Support Templates Page 3 of 4
  • You can test it using GMAIL or Office365 to send the e-mails to see if they reach the

Employees. Below are the PDF setup details for both:


  • SMPT Server:
  • SMTP Port: 587
  • Username (full GMAIL address) and password
  • Ensure the secure tick is on.
  • Check the sender’s GMAIL account for an e-mail with the information below.

You are required to allow less secure apps to send mail from this mail address.

NOTE: Google has a limit on the number of e-mails that they can send and should

there be any problems with Gmail, you need not rely on not sending any e-mails. If you are unable to do further testing. Users can follow


− SMTP Server:

− SMTP Port: 587

− Username (full Office365 e-mail address) and password (as provided by IT

Administrator, to access mail server)

− Ensure the secure tick is on.


− SMTP Server:

− SMTP Port: 587

− Username and password (as provided by service provider)

− Ensure the secure tick is on.

  • When the GMAIL/Office365/MWEB test is working, it implies that the details completed within the PDF setup are incorrect and need to be changed. Be sure to test by first simply sending one payslip to one employee and resolve all errors on the error report when applicable.
  • Be sure to refer to this site, for details on other SMTP details :
  • The system currently only allows up to 3-character port numbers. If you did not change anything from Step 1 to 3, change the current SMTP details, save the page, access and re-enter the correct SMTP details, save, and finally retry.


So, there you have it friends, these are some of the main aspects regarding the Sage 50 payroll email payslips. Be sure to share your feedback with us in the space below and we would love to hear from you.

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