Fix Sage 50 Invoice Errors or Invoice Does Not Appear?
Updated On: January 27, 2025 7:10 am
Invoice Error or commonly known as a Billing error refers to the mistakes that are entered into the billing account that can result in incorrect charges sent over to the Customer. Likewise, there are cases and instances when the same can also occur in the case of online invoicing in Sage 50. This can result in revenues lost and other related issues with the cash flow. Hence, we must be well-prepared in case of such errors with the right kind of knowledge and solutions. So, How to fix Sage 50 Invoice Errors? Well, let us take a look at some of the prime reasons and their subsequent solutions.
User Navigation
- What is Sage 50 Invoice Errors?
- How to Fix Sage Email Invoices?
- Check Data Error “Invoice Has a Mismatched Record in Sage 50”
- Invoice (number) Has No Items in Sage 50
- Sage 50 – Invoice Missing in Customer Account
- Fix Invoice Does Not Appear in Sage 50
- Sales Invoice showing the Unpaid or Incorrect Amount Paid in Sage 50
- Conclusion!
- Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Sage 50 Invoice Errors?
Technically, this is caused due to the duplication or wrong entry in the calculation of the amount in an invoice. The error occurring in the invoice implies the erroneous duplication of the items charged in an invoice or a mistake in the calculation of the amount in the invoice. However, it does not in any case includes any claim that states the basis of any charge under the particular agreement is illegal or unenforceable. There are usually two types of Invoice errors:
Open Invoice Errors
These are the errors that are detected before the payment is made by the customer. In case of open invoice errors, it is recommended to issue a credit or corrected invoice. However, these errors require additional paperwork and time, but are easier to ‘cope with’ and process.
Paid Invoice Errors
This is the invoice error that occurs when the clients have already paid for the invoice beforehand. In this case, it can get quite annoying for the customers to be informed about the invoice error after the payment has been done. In this case, the standard solution would be to correct the invoice and issue the credit for the balance.
Once the corrected invoice and credit have been received, then the customer gets to know the actual price of the transaction. But, if in case the company overcharges the clients, it is then best to contact the client directly and intimidate them about the error. Also, take a step ahead and explain the reason for the error, and reimburse them with a credit or a check
“Email MAPI error : An error occurred in sending the message.” ,”Error 2 MAPI E FAILURE”, “Sage 50 Cannot Communicate With Your Email Program”
This means the Sage 50 software is facing some problem while sending customer invoices via email. It is receiving some error code like communication error or default mail not set up, etc. If you receive such messages, accountingadvice is there for you. You can either go to their link or just dial the Sage support number 1800 964 3096 and the Sage expert will help you with your problem.
Checking Sage Email Setup
To send proceedings by email the user should first work on Sage 50 Email Setup. For the set up, the users must do the following:
- Configure the default email settings
- Then add the email settings to the document
Sage Email Generic Com Error
Sage Accounts helps in forwarding reports and outlines by email through a webmail or The Microsoft Outlook. Then again, you can set up records to normally send to pre-set email addresses or email addresses from your Sage Accounts data.
Also Read: Sage 50 Email MAPI Error -An Error Occurred in Sending the Message
How to Fix Sage Email Invoices?
The user can follow the steps below in order to create or set up a Sage 50 Email Set up. It can be created on the following Email services:
- Microsoft Outlook
- Gmail
- Hotmail
- Yahoo
In case you’re not using one of the above email service providers, then you can design the settings in Sage Accounts. But first you have to first check and make a note of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings for your email supplier.
As you know that the Sage 50 is not email programming. In this manner, it needs support from other email customer and quite possibly you may deal with SAGE 50 Email Send Error.
The SAGE 50 Email Send Error occurs when you may be Unable to Send Mail SAGE 50. On the off chance that you assert that you have introduced the right email customer, yet at the same time not able to email you can do the accompanying:
- Confirm your email customer for the setup as the default email program in your PC.
- If you find this mistake then “Mistake: “Email MAPI blunder: A mistake happened in sending the message.” KB10731, strategy 2 (Vista/7/8) or technique 3 (XP)”. Go to the Control Panels, Default Programs, Set your default programs, select your email customer and snap Choose defaults for this program, ensure the crate of Send Mail is checked under MAPI.
- If despite everything it does not respond to email, then finish off of Sage 50 and Outlook. Go to Control Panels, Programs and Features. Select Sage 50 Accounting and snap Change. Tap on OK when the message “you right now have Sage 50 installed…” flies up. Pick Add/Remove Program Components and snap Next Uncheck Add-in for Microsoft Outlook and tap on Next. Rehash a similar strategy and re-include the checkmark for Add-in for Microsoft Outlook to have the add-on reinstalled. At that point, email the exchange from Sage 50.
- If regardless it comes up short, you may need to uninstall and reinstall your email programming. On the off chance that you have to take this course, kindly reinforcement your email message first.
Even after taking up such measures, the users remains unsatisfied with the result. Then they should contact the Accountingadvice by dialing their toll free number 1800 964 3096.
Check Data Error “Invoice Has a Mismatched Record in Sage 50”
There are times when you might receive this kind of message notification when you are trying to run Check Data in Sage 50 Cloud. Usually, the user might receive the message as following when trying to check specific data:
- ‘Invoice (number) has a mismatched record’
- One can easily rectify this error by deleting the specified invoice.
- The Solution
This error can be rectified by following the below steps:
- Go to the Invoice and Credits
- Click on the invoice mentioned in the error
- In case the invoice or the credit number is not listed, you can look for any blank lines in the list.
- Click on ‘Delete’
- Click on ‘Yes’
- Click on ‘File’
- Next, click on ‘Maintenance’
- Finally, click on Check Data
In case the error continues to be present, you will need to restore the error and free the backup and re-process.
Invoice (number) Has No Items in Sage 50
There are times when you might be checking your data and encounter the following message notification:
‘Invoice (number) has no items’
In this case, the error can be rectified by deleting the specified invoice. It is recommended to fix any errors in the check data before you proceed.
This error can be rectified by following the below steps:
To Delete the Invoice
- Click on the Invoice and Credits
- Click on the invoice that has the error mentioned
- In case the invoice or the credit number has not been listed, then you need to look for blank lines in the list.
- Click on Delete
- Click on Yes
- Click on File
- Next, Click on Maintenance
- Click on Compress Data
- Next clear the Compress All Data Files check box
- Now select Invoices
- Click on Compress
- Click on OK
- Click on Close
- Finally, click on Check Data.
Also Read: Sage 50 Cannot Communicate with your Email Program
Sage 50 – Invoice Missing in Customer Account
There are times when you might encounter a missing customer invoice list, despite it being updated. However, even if the missing invoice has been entered manually, to create the invoice window the invoice details appear, only to disappear again once the screen has been exited. In this case, you need to follow the below steps to rectify the error:
- Locate the SAGE.INI file ( this will be easily found in c:\programdata\sage\accounts ).
- Open the file in the Notepad.
- Locate the section that begins with [SG50].
- Just below that, you need to add a line “CompressUsingFileSize = 1”
- Save file.
- Go back to the Sage.
- Run Compress.
- Finally, go back to the Invoice list.
- Check if the last invoice has appeared.
Also Read: Sage 50 Missing Invoice
Fix Invoice Does Not Appear in Sage 50
To resolve the Fix Invoice Does Not Appear in Sage 50, you need to follow the below steps:
Solution 1: The Troubleshooting steps
- Check for the date range
- If the data range is not the core of the problem then search in the quick entry invoice tab of the account,
- Next, check if some invoices can be generated as QEs that specify the invoices won’t appear in the standard invoice window.
- You can also verify the quotes & estimates option to check with the quotes and invoice conversion has taken place or not. These are the steps:
- Find the Sales button then hit the Sales Invoices/purchases button
- Select the Purchase Invoices tab
- Add the” from” &” to” date fields to add the invoice date
- Click the “More” button then verify the drop-down list named status is set to the All tab
- Select Search option
Solution 2: To Check if the Filter has Been Applied to the Invoice List
In case the filter has been set to the invoice then you need to follow the below steps to remove the ‘Missing Filter’
- Find the module called Invoices and Credits
- Click Filter button
- Select Clear Form at the screen top
- Click Apply button
- Click Close tab
- In case the invoice still fails to display then refresh the list by clicking on hit on the No button twice
Solution 3: To Run the Tidy Up Process on the Data
To run the tidy-up process you need to follow the below steps:
- Find the File button
- Click on the Maintenance option
- Click Recovery Tools
- If there displays a prompt then create the backup
- Select the option named Re-index & Compress All
- Click OK
- Click Close
- In case there appears a window to verify the data then gives click on the Yes button
- In case there are no errors then verify the invoices & credit module for all missing invoices
Solution 4: Fix the Damaged Invoice
- Find the Maintenance button
- Click the Advance Database Check option
- Select File option
- Click Save as a button
- Fill the test tab as the file name
- This will display the” sales order might be the reason for the error”
- Delete the item line and then convert it into the invoice
- Next, perform the invoice posting
- If it succeeds in posting then you have to delete the corrupted inventory item
- During invoice posting, modify the item name of the inventory to Do not use
- Generate a new item in the list named inventory and set the actual order by embedding the new item
- Finally, Repost the invoice
Sales Invoice showing the Unpaid or Incorrect Amount Paid in Sage 50
There are times when you might face errors due to damaged transactions or because there is a transaction waiting to post in the Smart Posting Manager
Solution I: Payment Not Posted
This is applicable only in case you are using Batch or SmartPosting posting methods
- Click on Tasks, System, Post.
- Next, Select All Journals.
- Now Click on OK.
- Check the payment status of the invoice;
- if still incorrect, proceed to the next section.
Solution II: Receipt Applied to Revenues or Amount Paid is $0
- Click Lists, Customers & Sales, Receipts
- Next, Utilize the date and search options to locate the receipt that paid the invoice
- Double-click on the receipt to open it
- Case the receipt was applied to the invoice:
- Verify that there is an Amount Paid on the invoice line; if not, correct this and save the receipt
- Verify the receipt date is before the date through which the Aged Receivables report was run; in case not, re-run the Aged Receivables report for a date after the receipt date
- In case none of these conditions applies, or if correcting them does not fix the issue, skip to Section III
- If the receipt was applied to revenues:
- Note: If the receipt is in a closed year, it cannot be edited; instead, create a credit memo in the amount of the invoice and apply it against the invoice as a receipt;
- Remove the line item on the Apply to Revenues tab
- Now Select the Apply to Invoices tab
- Check Pay on the line for the invoice
- Click on Save
Solution III: Damaged Transaction
- Back up the company
- Open the invoice
- If the View-related transactions is shown, click it;
- if it is not shown, skip to Step 4
- In case any payments/receipts or credit memos are showing, verify that the amount paid on the invoice corresponds to the amount paid by the linked transaction(s); in case not, continue with these steps
- Close the invoice
- Click Help, Customer Support & Service, Integrity Check
- Click Continue
- Within the Invoice/Payment Sync Tests, check Accounts Receivable (sales invoices) or Accounts Payable (purchase invoices)
- Let the Correction Strategy be set to Ask each time
- If an error is located, a prompt will appear to choose which transaction is correct
- If the amount paid showing on the invoice is correct, select Invoice
- If the invoice paid showing on the invoice is incorrect, select Payment
- Next, you need to verify that the invoice now shows the correct amount due/paid13. In case the amount paid is still incorrect, delete and recreate the payment and invoice
Also Read: Sage 50 Invoice Not Posted
Invoice payment is a critical function for a business. It results in cash flow from customers/services/product users. The consistent inflow of cash is what keeps a business afloat. An uninvited halt or delay in payment may impede the business’s day-to-day operations. We understand this and this is why we have shared solutions to fix Sage 50 Invoice Errors. If you are still unable to resolve this decline error or if you encounter any difficulties in performing the steps outlined above, we recommend that you should consult with an experienced Sage professional.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I am getting the ‘Sage 50 invoice not posted’ error message and I have been advised to stop and start the Sage Transaction Manager to fix this issue. How to do this?
Here is how you can start the Transaction Manager in Sage 50-
1. Log in to the system that hosts the company data
2. Click on Start
3. Click on Settings
4. Navigate to Control Panel
5. Go to the Administrative Tools section
6. Go to Services
7. From the list on your screen, highlight the Sage 50 Transaction Manager
8. Right-click on it and click on Start, if not running (if running, click Stop)
9. Finally, right-click this item again and choose Stop (or Start)
What is the procedure to Delete an Invoice in Sage 50?
Here are the steps to follow, if you need to delete an invoice in Sage 50 –
1. Open Sage 50
2. Navigate to the Invoicing Window
3. Select the invoice (s) you wish to delete.
4. Now click on the Delete tab
5. A prompt will be displayed, asking if you are sure to delete invoice (s).
6. Click on the Yes button, if you wish to delete. If you are not sure and need more time, click No.
7. If one or more of these invoices have not been posted or printed earlier, Sage will display a warning. In such a case, you may require to confirm the deletion once again.
How can I email a batch of invoices from the Sales or Invoicing Window in Sage?
You can follow the steps mentioned below-
1. Open Sage 50
2. Go to the Tasks menu
3. Click on Sales/Invoicing. Sage 50 will display the Sales/Invoicing window
4. Click on the Print drop-down box
5. From the menu, click Select Invoices to Print.
6. The Preview and Print filter window will be displayed on your screen
7. While emailing invoices, you can select invoices not emailed before, invoices saved in the Sales/Invoicing window without any invoice number or invoices sent previously
8. By default, Sage 50 displays the first invoice number suggested in the field labeled Number the first invoice. You can also change the invoice number, if you need.
9. After you finish making the necessary selections, click on Print/Email. You may get a prompt, asking if you want to complete the emailing task.
10. After you finish sending the invoices on email, Sage will display a prompt, asking if the invoices are emailed correctly and if you want the journal to be updated.
11. Check your invoices and click Yes if found ok.
12.On clicking Yes, Sage will record the Invoice numbers to the Sales Journal.
If you click No, the Invoice numbers will be left blank. These invoices will be sent once again during the next run for invoices.