Repair Sage 50 File System Error 3110

Updated On: January 17, 2025 7:20 am

Sage 50 File System Error 3110

Sage 50 file system error 3110 is the file system problem that can be recognised as the kind of error that causes your program to shut down automatically right after it is displayed. As a result, the user is not able to perform any operation within the system.

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There are innumerable codes for the file system, and error 3110 is one among them. Make sure that you follow the process thoroughly. It is also necessary to not mix up the troubleshooting steps. So, here are a few technical know-how that are involved in following the steps.

What are the Possible Causes of Sage 50 File System Error 3110

There could be many possible reasons behind the Sage 50 File system Error 3110. However, the most common reasons are available below :

  • When the workstation is waiting for the response from the server but time out over the network.
  • While running Sage 50 Network connectivity loss between the server and the workstation.

Also Read: How to Fix Sage 50 Error 3112

Steps to Resolve Sage 50 File System Error 3110

Follow the below steps mentioned to resolve the Sage 50 Error: File System Error 3110 and get rid of this error earliest.

Section 1: Restart Pervasive/Actian ( Using command prompt)

  • Press Windows +R keys simultaneously.
  • When the run window comes, type cmd and click enter.
  • After opening of command prompt, type sc stop psqlwge and then press Enter.
  • Now, type sc start psqlwge and press Enter.
  • At last, close the command prompt.
  • For the multi-user environment, this needs to be done on the server computer, also make sure that all users should log out Sage before going ahead.

Section 2: Solve the Error

First, restart the Sage 50 and try to work again.

  • Still, getting the error restart the workstation.
  • If the above step doesn’t help you then restart the workstation.
  • A file can be damaged while accessing at the time of connection loss. If the error indicates a particular file and in the above steps it’s not clear, then you need to fix the issues.

Section 3: Repairing the Damage Caused by the Error

  • If the error shows a specific file in a data path, then rename the file and run the repair on Sage at the server-side.
  • If the error shows a specific file in your company data directory, determine what files are used for which purpose in the data path directory and program files, after determining you can see which file can be deleted.
  • Now locate the company directories and find the directory of your data.
  • See if the reference can’t be deleted but you can open the company, then see if you can reindex the file.
  • If you can’t delete or reindex the file showing in error, then you need to restore a backup.
  • If still, you can’t open the file reference and company file in the company data folder, you are required to restore a good backup.

Section 4: Set Windows to prefer IPv4 address over IPv6

  • First Press Window +R and type Regedit in Run window and hit enter.
  • Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters.
  • Locate the option DisabledComponents and do double click on it, if DisabledComponents is not showing or not available, then you should create it, else skip to the second last step.
    • Locate the Parameters option and right-click on that.
    • Now select New option >>> DWORD (32 bit) value.
    • Mention “DisabledComponents” and then press Enter.
  • Double click on DisabledComponents.
  • Now change the data value to “20” and “Hexadecimal” should be based settings.
  • After doing these changes reboot the computer and it will be done.

Section 5: Preventing the Error

The error could be due to Windows power plan settings. Sage always advise you to use the High-performance power plan.

Common reasons are mentioned below :

  • Damage network cable.
  • Server being reboot.
  • Bad NIC sending Junk data.
  • NIC going to hibernation mode.
  • Other Network software interfering.
  • Weak Wi-Fi signal.

Also Read : Sage 50 Fatal File System Error


So, this is the whole scenario to repair Sage 50 file system error 3110. However, if there are still face this error than don’t worry about it. Visit at website where you can directly talk with our certified Sage 50 accounting experts to fix this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the precautions that one can Take to Prevent the Sage 50 File System Error 3110?

One can follow the below methods inorder to prevent getting Sage Error 3110.
1. To Check if network routers have been plugged in.
2. To Check for certain damaged network cables.
3. To Check for the interference of certain other network cables.
4. To Check for junk files that have been sent by bad NIC.
5. To Check for wireless networks.

How can one restart the Pervasive inorder to Troubleshoot Sage Error 3110?

In order to restart the pervasive, you need to follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Start by, going to the Start option within the Windows desktop.
2. Next select the Administrative Tools by double-clicking it.
3. Now Click Pervasive PSQL within the right pane.
4. Once on the action menu you need to click Stop.
5. Lastly, click Restart from within the Action menu
Note: In case you are using a multi-users then shut the Sage from all the systems.

What is meant with the Error Code 3111 on Sage 50?

Once you get this message then it implies that you have lost the internet connection or it can occur that there is a loss between server and workstation.

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