Fix Sage 100 Printer Not Activated Error Code 41

Updated On: February 6, 2025 6:25 am

Fix Sage Printer Not Activated Erro Code 41

The Sage 100 Printer not Activated Error Code 41 is a common error message that users may encounter when the user tries to print a document or report from Sage. The error message indicates that the printer is not activated or there is an issue with the printer driver.

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Many of our readers have informed us that they have faced this error while trying to print from within the Sage application. More precisely, they encounter this error while printing to Paperless Office. Have you also experienced this message of late? Are you looking for easy solutions to resolve error message Sage 100 Printer not Activated Error Code 41? Don’t bother! We have it covered! In this blog, we will look at a number of simple methods to fix this issue.

Printer activation error 41

But, before proceeding to resolve this issue, let’s first get to know why this issue occurs in the first place.

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Causes of Sage Printer Not Activated Error Code 41

Many technical issues often lead to the occurrence of this error message Sage 100 Printer not Activated Error Code 41. Here are the most prominent ones-

  • If you are using the v6.0.2.9 driver and apply it manually to the Sage PDF Converter or the Sage 100 PDF Converter.
  • One or more issues with the Amyuni Document Converter 600.
  • You have not updated to the new version of the Amyuni PDF Converter driver v5.50. This is available via Windows update. 
  • An issue with the printer configuration.
  • User Account Control is Enabled (UAC).
  • The printer driver is having Compatibility Issues.
  • Email Writer is Damaged.
  • Issues with the PDF Converter.

Also Read: How to Install Sage 100 PDF Converter?

How to Fix Sage 100 Printer Not Activated Error Code 41?

Here we list multiple methods to resolve this issue Sage 100 Printer not Activated Error Code 41:-

Method 1: Reinstall the Sage 100 PDF Converter

Before starting to troubleshoot, make sure to log in to your computer as an administrator. Then, follow the steps mentioned below-

Sage 50 Pdf converter
  • Right-click on the Sage 100 icon on the desktop.
  • Click on the Run as administrator option.
  • Log into the Sage 100 application.
  • Select File.
  • Click on Run from Sage 100 Toolbar.
  • Now, type PL_AdvancedOptions_Ui in the textbox.
  • Click OK.
  • On the next window, select OK to choose the default date.
  • Click on the tab named Install Converter.
  • Exit from the Paperless Office Advanced Options .
  • Try printing to Paperless again and check if it is functioning properly.

Please Note: You may require to locate the 600 document converter driver and install it separately before checking for the error again.

Method 2: Update the Sage 100 PDF Converter Driver

ate the Sage 100 pdf converter
  • Go to the Devices and Printers section.
  • Right click on the Sage 100 PDF Converter tab.
  • Click on Printer Properties.
  • Now open the Advanced tab.
  • Choose Amyuni Document Converter 600.

Method 3: Restore the System Manually

Sage 100 Protection Settings
  • Restart the system.
  • Log in as an administrator.
  • Go to System Tools.
  • Select the link ‘Click on System to Restore’
  • Click on ‘Restore My Computer on earlier time’
  • Specify the latest restore point as per requirements.
  • After the Restoration is done, Restart the computer.

Also Read: Download Sage 100

Printer Not Activated Error code -41 When Printing to Sage 100 Paperless Office

In case you are facing an Error Code -41 when printing to a paperless office through Sage 100, you need to check if someone has not manually updated the Amyuni PDF drivers.

Currently Sage 100 uses the version 500 of the driver. In case someone has downloaded and applied Amyuni 550 then that might be the main reason for your error message.

To Fix Error:

  • Start by opening the Devices and Printers.
  • Next Right click on Sage 100 PDF Converter.
  • Now click select Printer Properties.
  • Finally open Advanced tab and select Amyuni Document Converter 500.

Also Read: How to Fix Sage 50 Printer not Activated Error Code 30?


We hope the steps shown above would help you resolve the ‘Sage 100 Printer not Activated Error Code 41 issue. If you are still troubled by this issue, or, if you are finding it difficult to perform these steps, we would recommend you to consult with some of the authorized Sage experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Sage Printer not Activated Error Code 41?

The Sage Printer not Activated Error Code 41 is an error message that occurs when users try to print a document or report from Sage accounting software. This error is caused due to issues with the printer or the printer drivers.

What are the reasons for Sage 100 Printer not Activated Error Code 41?

There can be several reasons for the Sage Printer not Activated Error Code 41. Some of them are listed below:

1. Issues with the printer driver.
2. Outdated Sage software version.
3. Incorrect printer configuration.
4. Corrupted system files.
5. Virus or malware infection.
6. Issues with the Windows registry.

How can I Fix the Sage Printer not Activated Error Code 41?

Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can try to fix the Sage Printer not Activated Error Code 41:

1. Check if the printer is properly connected to your computer and is turned on.
2. Update your printer driver to the latest version.
3. Reinstall the Sage accounting software.
4. Check the printer configuration settings.
5. Scan your computer for virus or malware infection.
6. Repair the Windows registry using a reliable registry cleaner tool.
7. Check for any file system errors and repair them using the System File Checker tool.

How to Fix ‘Sage 100 Printer not activated, Error code -41 using Remote desktop’?

This error occurs mainly because the user might have the wrong drivers installed to their printers that can cause damage. If this is the case then one would receive the message of printer not activated error code 41. In case you receive this then you will have to remove the drivers that you presently have installed for the printer and reinstall them once.

Why does the Paperless Office stop responding when printing in Sage 100 at Times?

Except for:

1. Product Update 8 for Sage 100 ERP version 2013.
2. Product Update 4 for Sage 100 ERP version 2014. 
3. Sage 100 ERP 2015 and above.

For Versions released after the ones listed here, this error is generally caused by a timeout when the Print job takes more than 20 seconds. You can test it out by conducting a Preview of the document experiencing the error. In case the duration of the print job is more than 20 seconds, where the normal time is 5-10 seconds, then this error will occur.

What does Error Code -41 indicate in Sage?

This error is essentially a Sage 100 Printer not Activated Error code 41 that occurs when a user is trying to print a document or report from within the Sage accounting Software. This error is mainly because of the issues with the printer or the printer drivers.

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